Show of hands

Learn the NEC with Mike Holt now!

Show of hands

  • I have both AFCI breakers and TR receptacles.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have AFCI but not TR.

    Votes: 22 19.1%
  • I have TR but not AFCI.

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • I have neither AFCI nor TR.

    Votes: 91 79.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Senior Member
How many of you actually have AFCI breakers & TR receptacles in your homes at present? These things have been on the market now for awhile.
Everyone is concerned with safety, right?

If you do consider them necessary then they would already be in your homes because I know you wouldn't take any chances with the lives of your family to save a few bucks.

I'll start by saying that I don't have any. I have GFCI protected receptacles & smoke detectors and that's it. I'll also say that I don't plan on running out to buy any in the near future for home use.

Show of hands. How many electricians have already up-graded their own homes? I have learned enough to never judge people by what they say but by what they actually do.

This should be interesting.:rolleyes:
my house is 22 years old and I just installed GFCI's in the kitchen bu I am a sorry soul. My bathrooms had gfci when it was built and I might add they were on #12 and nothing else connected to the circuit.

I have not installed arc faults. Definitely not TR recep.
I am still trying to pry out those plastic things the first wife jamed into the receptacles when the kids were little and the don't make arc fault fuses.
Dennis Alwon said:
I have not installed arc faults. Definitely not TR recep.

Do you plan on it? Do you see it a necessary to protect your own family?

With GFCI protected receptacles and smoke detectors I could see the need right off and I was willing to go out and spend the money to install those myself. Also at my mothers house.

Does anyone actually plan to protect their own homes or the homes of other family members? This will let us know how important that the average electrician actually consider these code changes.

If I had a Federal Pacific panel I would be changing it, Now.
Rewire said:
I am still trying to pry out those plastic things the first wife jamed into the receptacles when the kids were little and the don't make arc fault fuses.

Good excuse but as an electrician it wouldn't be that hard to change over to a breaker panel. We do it all the time. :grin:
house only 7 yrs old. smokes and gfci. don't see any afci in my future, unless required by code. i do have a fire ext near the kitchen, egress windows in bedrms and man cave (raised ranch) and CO detector near utility rm.
I didn't put AFCI in the house I am in now. I built it about 5 years ago. GFCI, and smokies only.

The house I am building has AFCI because it required inspection. Otherwise I wouldn't have.

The last house I was in for 15 years had no afci, gfci. smokies, water/gas bond or grounded receps.
charlie b said:
To make things more interesting, I added a poll.

Good idea Charlie, I'm just trying to get a hypocrite count and see how many people practice what they preach.

If everyone actually considers these new code changes to be so important then you would think that some of the professionals would have already up-graded their own homes. It's all about safety, right?
Rewire said:
I am still trying to pry out those plastic things the ... wife jamed into the receptacles when the kids were little ...

...and - as we all know - NJ hasn't accepted the AFCI requirement.
I learn about it mostly by reading what you guys (as guinea pigs) are doing.

(ETA...I'm still with my 1st wife)
My house is about 30 years old, as I have redone rooms I have upgraded what I could get to, some new wiring GFCI's in the bathroom, there were no receptecales outside so I have added 8 or so, GFCI with bubble covers. Interconnected smokes where I could.

The way the house is wired I'm not really even sure how many AFCI's I would need to get full coverage in the bedrooms, I would probalby have to put in all AFCI's breakers just to make sure.

Right now it seems that one breaker feeds about half my house (3000 sq ft) When I finally get to remodeling my kitchen I think that I will be able to fix some of the problems I have.
celtic said:
...and - as we all know - NJ hasn't accepted the AFCI requirement.

I understand that but if you really though it was an important safety concern I'm sure you wouldn't wait for a law that tells you that you have to do it. You would run right out and spend the money to protect your own family.

I wish there was a way to tell how many of the NFPA board members that voted for these changes that had actually up-graded their own homes. If they thought it so necessary why wouldn't they?

Most people put their own family's safety above all concerns. Nothing wrong with that.
Heck, not only do I not have AFCI's or TR's, the three GFCI reeptacles in my home don't have GFCI protection after a lightning strike a few years ago.

I must protest the suggestion that should I choose not to install AFCI or TR in my own home, that this would represent a lack of safety concern on my part. I do not accept the notion that I am a failure as a husband and father, a man with evil intent, a discredit to the profession, if I do not instantly buy and install each and every thing ever invented, and everything that will ever be invented, if it but has the word ?safety? included in its advertising documents, or if some person or other mentions it in the same sentence as the word ?safety.? In the absence of any applicable and enforceable legal requirements, I get to choose what I consider to be a valuable enhancement to safety, and I get to choose not to buy something that I don?t want. I do not believe the presence or absence of AFCI and TR to have any impact on the safety of myself and my family.
Pains me to admit it but I only have only installed smokes and GFI's in the required areas. Nothing else.

Been meaning to change the fuse panel out but I bought the house from the guy who built it. Surprisingly he never added a circuit in 40yrs. Tightened everything when we bought it, haven't looked at it since. Really a thing of beauty I can't bear to part with.

The only reason I installed the smokes was the wife is notorious for leaving candles burn overnight:mad:

However, in the event of a remodel, say from the extensive fire damage we could experience:roll: I would happily install TR receptacles and AFCI's.
charlie b said:
I must protest the suggestion that should I choose not to install AFCI or TR in my own home, that this would represent a lack of safety concern on my part.

I'm sorry Charlie, You don't understand my point. I'm not even suggesting that you go out and spend money on any of these things. I'm not going to and I don't expect you to either. Then again I'm not going to start telling everyone ( customers ) that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread if I don't bother with them myself. I will tell them it's a requirement but that's it.

I don't like the idea of pushing a product that I don't believe in. If I did think they were necessary I would buy them for myself first, then tell everyone what a great idea they are.
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