since when...

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That is all so true especially in troubleshooting where a novice may take all day to find something make a days wages and a seasoned electrician can find it in five minutes make a few dollars then the customer may say it didn't take you that long the price should not be that much not realizing that they actually saved a bundle.

"Would you rather pay me $100/hour and be done in an hour, or would you rather pay someone else $50/hour and they take all day?"
That is all so true especially in troubleshooting where a novice may take all day to find something make a days wages and a seasoned electrician can find it in five minutes make a few dollars then the customer may say it didn't take you that long the price should not be that much not realizing that they actually saved a bundle.
That's why I find it funny that the customer will call around trying to find the lowest hourly rate.

The hourly rate means nothing. What really matters is how much you end up paying in the end and what you got for the money spent.
believe, i'm always trying to save my customer some money........:)

No good deed goes unpunished! I had a customer that was extremely poor (at least appeared that way) It was an old woman that lived in an old camper that had a fuse panel, She did not want to pay for changing it out to a larger breaker panel. Added some circuits from the RV pedestal because she was blowing fuses running her toaster oven and electric heater at the same time. Donated the materials and did the job nearly free. She also had an extension cord run through the window plugging into another outlet for her well pump. I told her that needed to be fixed too, but she didn't want spend the money. I had already done about $1000 dollars worth of work for $100, so I was not going to come out of pocket any further. She had the nerve to call up that weekend saying her pump was blowing fuses, and wanted me to come out with a new fuse. Her two grown good for nothing sons that lived in a house below her would not go to town to get some. She got mad because I would not, but I learned my lesson on that one.
Wow hillbilly she probably doesn't realize that you did this project for free as a charitable gift . On your part you may have saved a life this was an admirable thing you did.
The problem with telling the customer the time you have figured is that if you come in under the time alloted they will want a reduction of the bill. I made that mistake one time. However if you go over they won't pay anymore than the quote.

I think that your price is very fair (seems quite low). Did you figure for the equipotential bonding? Also if the tub is installed outdoors flexible conduit shall not be permitted in lengths of more than 6' for depending how far from the disconect and size of the tub you may use a different method. 680.42 (A) (1).

You're right, so that's why i told him a day of work.(never said 6 hrs, 8 hrs, or nothing)
Yeah everything is estimated. Equipotencial grid not required in this install.
6' LFNC will work here.Thanks
Wow hillbilly she probably doesn't realize that you did this project for free as a charitable gift . On your part you may have saved a life this was an admirable thing you did.

We see plenty of the older people that appear to be having a rough time, only to find out from others they have more then most of us the people that really need help don't ask and usually don't accept help.
We see plenty of the older people that appear to be having a rough time, only to find out from others they have more then most of us the people that really need help don't ask and usually don't accept help.

I have a neighbor that to look at them and how they live, you would think they were dirt poor. They have no kids, live in a 500 square foot house (shack) with no indoor plumbing, in their early 50's. They own over 400 acres of prime land, two million in CD's in various banks.
I have a neighbor that to look at them and how they live, you would think they were dirt poor. They have no kids, live in a 500 square foot house (shack) with no indoor plumbing, in their early 50's. They own over 400 acres of prime land, two million in CD's in various banks.

No indoor plumbing, you've got to be kidding me!!
"Would you rather pay me $100/hour and be done in an hour, or would you rather pay someone else $50/hour and they take all day?"

I lost a garage apartment job like that too, The doctor that owned it wanted it all in conduit, and thought my quote was too high. He wanted an hourly rate then. I knew the builder, and he told me later that the guy that did do it was $10 an hour cheaper, but ended up costing him twice what I quoted it for. His son in law laughed at him because I did do his garage apartment (same size, circuits and everything) and same quote. Made good money on it too.
I lost a garage apartment job like that too, The doctor that owned it wanted it all in conduit, and thought my quote was too high. He wanted an hourly rate then. I knew the builder, and he told me later that the guy that did do it was $10 an hour cheaper, but ended up costing him twice what I quoted it for. His son in law laughed at him because I did do his garage apartment (same size, circuits and everything) and same quote. Made good money on it too.

I'd had laughed too. That's what he sould get for being cheap. I bet he makes pretty good as a doctor as well.
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