mike 7330, thank you for that charlie rose link.
mgookin, very interesting and i have heard that before, it is true that is is our own govt that is to blame for this, not so much Raging Capitalists, which i feel are more evil than commies. for example, i can't blame Milwaukee for outsourcing, because the US govt allowed China to just buy them outright! same with rigid. absolutely amazing! what does that do for national security if we do something like Japan did, if you watched 60 minutes last night concerning rare earth magnets, the nippons arrested a fishing capt for ramming their destroyer, then the chinese refused to sell japan rare earth for one month. that is the same thing, as the US sold china ALL our rare earth mfg about ten to twenty years ago so that they control the entire world market. you guys just have to watch that segment. it will make you cry how stupid our govt is.
Jreaf, i have just mailed 4 letters complaining. snail mail. much more effective, i believe, that email. one to Lowes ceo, HB ceo, Nascar's Brian France, and the pres of King heaters. i tried my best and think i only used one swear word. amazing for me!
as for made in us. yes King still is, but poor quality control led to one page of directions where words said Red to Line and diagram showed Red to Load, as well as grill screws snapped off.
I bought made in USA "Work USA" boots, and they were $100, not expensive, not cheap, KILLED my feet, weighed a TON, they took a year of almost never wearing them and finally quit hurting my feet for a little while, then again were terrible. Whirlpool, all stuff was made in US ten years ago: my fridge blew in five years, micro in 6, dishwasher parts broken in 6 too. So QC is one thing at home as well.
i guess it just boils down to the fact that i can understand why corps go bye bye, but i just resent the fact that our govt is A: driving them away, and B: allowing EVERYTHING we need here to build a fighter or an aircraft carrier, be imported from a potential enemy with terrible human rights issues, virtual dictatorship, imports tiger parts, bear gall bladders, ivory, builds a coal plant a week, etc etc etc. i do not want to have to go to work with chinese drills, and tools and have to install chinese lights, devices, etc etc. our govt bites the big one and we keep re electing the whole lot of them every time. the only good thing to be said is you have to be a master electrician anymore to put up a $20 light fixture, so joe homeowner is NEVER going to be able to do it and have to call me. yea, more work. frustrating work that he can complain about how come i took two hours to install one stupid light fixture.
apparently the 60 minutes report was a little off according to Forbes, here is a link to the review of last night's show: