Some Much to Learn, and Only One Lifetime to Learn it All

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Excellent Post. This should shine quite a light on the difficulties of the electrical field and the knowledge base needed to be "competent".

I share the OP's quandry and always look at knowledge and information as key to any success.

As I always tell others:

"The more I learn, the more I realize just how much I don't know"
I have been in the industry close to 3 decades, I have been around this site and a lot others since '03. I have been all over the web gathering information. I go to many meetings every year. I attend classes. I attend seminars. I teach, and I am exposed to lots and lots of questions.

Yet every day I am confronted with questions I cannot answer...
I am starting to think a lifetime will not be enough time. ;):D
That is why I love our trade!:)
I have been in the industry close to 3 decades, I have been around this site and a lot others since '03. I have been all over the web gathering information. I go to many meetings every year. I attend classes. I attend seminars. I teach, and I am exposed to lots and lots of questions.

Yet every day I am confronted with questions I cannot answer...
I am starting to think a lifetime will not be enough time. ;):D

If you have some questions I could could get put you in touch with my apprentice. He knows it all, and in only 3 short years too!
I have been in the industry close to 3 decades, I have been around this site and a lot others since '03. I have been all over the web gathering information. I go to many meetings every year. I attend classes. I attend seminars. I teach, and I am exposed to lots and lots of questions.

Yet every day I am confronted with questions I cannot answer...
I am starting to think a lifetime will not be enough time. ;):D

That's what makes it so cool!!
I have been in the industry close to 3 decades, I have been around this site and a lot others since '03. I have been all over the web gathering information. I go to many meetings every year. I attend classes. I attend seminars. I teach, and I am exposed to lots and lots of questions.

Yet every day I am confronted with questions I cannot answer...
I am starting to think a lifetime will not be enough time. ;):D

I agree 100 percent, and I often wonder how contractors & inspectors who do not attend meetings, classes & seminars are able to keep up.
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