Senior Member
- Location
- North Carolina
Please explain.
Being that we are discussing these small generators let?s keep the discussion on residential systems for simplicity.
From the secondary of the utility company?s transformer to the home are two hot and one center tap neutral conductors. The current supplied by this system will travel from the transformer back to the transformer on these three conductors.
The center tap of this system is connected to earth for the reasons outlined in 250.4(A)(1).
Other electrical systems delivered to a home such as telephone and cable are also required to be connected to earth and must use the same system to connect to earth as the electrical system uses.
This earth connection of the multiple systems does not constitute a parallel path for any one of the systems unless there is something abnormal happening in which case the resistance of the smaller conductors would limit the amount of current imposed on the lower voltage systems.
With the generator where the neutral is bonded at both places the supplying cord will have two equal sized conductors in parallel which will just about divide the current in half on each one. This will elevate the potential of the frame of the generator above the potential of earth and allow current to pass through the person in contact with the generator frame based on the amount of resistance of earth.
In a code compliant properly installed system the amount of current flow between the grounding electrode systems between two homes would be infinitesimal to say the least. With the generator it could be as much as half the current or more and could be deadly.
To float the neutral in the generator and a fault to the frame occur while the person is connecting this death trap and come in contact with the other leg and the frame then they are between a 240 volt potential.
Now back to the original question, why does the UL White Book in FTCN make the statements that a generator with the supply being taken from the generator from a receptacle must be installed as a SDS?