Starting *Now*: Forum Performance

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The forums performance has more to do with server load and resources than bandwidth. Those speed tests show if your internet connection is performing as it should so you can be sure any slowness on the forums is not caused by your internet connection.
That's why I said its not a good indication of forum speed unless the test is to the forum server.

Hosting a speed test would increase the load on the server, consume costly bandwidth and still not be a good indicator of performance.
It would still be a better indication of forum speed/performance than testing speed to another server. That said, you could make a hosted speed test available to only a select few... perhaps the forum administrators.

The forums are now running on the fastest and most optimized configuration they have ever been on. We've capitalized on the recent situation and made every improvement possible right down to the backups.
It is noticeable on my end :happyyes:
Here is my speed test on Verizon FIOS.

I am trying to edit my post to add my test.
This version of the forum sucks. You can't add after a picture.

Speed Test 2.JPG

Speed Test.JPG

I am adding words below the picture to show that you can do it. Dennis Alwon
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I just checked and I could add to the bottom of your post. Is that what you meant?

When I went to edit my post and add my speedtest after the Verizon image, I could not get the cursor after the Verizon picture.
I was only able to add before the Verizon image.
When I went to edit my post and add my speedtest after the Verizon image, I could not get the cursor after the Verizon picture.
I was only able to add before the Verizon image.

I just did, but I have dropped down to the standard editor to use on my phone (less html code). Try hitting the top left button when you do what you were trying to do.
When I went to edit my post and add my speedtest after the Verizon image, I could not get the cursor after the Verizon picture.
I was only able to add before the Verizon image.

I clicked to the right of the picture till I saw a large cursor then hit enter.

BTW I edit your post to show it worked.
I've not posted much since the upgrade and then I think only the day of the change. When I did I noticed when I hit reply that it took the reply page a few seconds to load. I thought maybe they were still working on it and would see how things worked for a while. But I see that the delay is still there. I appreciate the hard work that has been done to upgrade and don't want to sound negative. I haven't noticed anything other than the initial delay and can live with that.
Good work Joe!:thumbsup:
This has happened regularly on threads that contain more than one page- When I click on the button "Go to Last Unread Post" it takes me to the last page, not the last unread post.
Hmmm.... seems to me it is doing exactly what you are saying it is supposed to do :blink:

You actualy want to go to the first unread post :slaphead:

The button "tool tip" message in my browser says "Go to first new post" :angel:

Nevertheless, I've noticed the same thing at times :happyyes:
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