Stolen tools

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My work truck got broken into last night and completely cleaned out. The tools in the truck were all mine. The truck is owned by the company. I am estimating cost of replacement of my tools to be about $3500. The company I work for won't put in a claim because they have a 2000. deductable and if they do file the claim they will get dropped by their insurance company. The break in happened right in front of my apartment. I am pretty sure my renters insurance will not cover my losses due to the fact the tools were in a company truck.
i worked the day today hoping I would hear some good news but all I got was more bad news. I am at a total loss at what to do next. I very much doubt my employer will help me out with my losses. Any ideas?

what kind of stuff?

There are a few pawn shops up on the North Shore, Cash Converters is a big one. I sse some electrical stuff there at times.


Also Flea markets in Revere and Lynn are big on the weekends.

Sorry to hear your tools got snatched, I lose some stuff now and again but mostly due to leaving something behind and it grows legs before you get back.:rolleyes:
I'd check with your renter's insurance provider, since I'm pretty sure they'll cover it even in a company truck. If not, post here. It may not be much, but I have some spare tools in the bin I could send if it'll help you get back on your feet. If a few others can do the same...

My renter's insurance specifically excludes tools in vehicles. They would have to be inside my appartment to be covered.
Ode to the Tools

Ode to the Tools

These threads just case pain & are painfull to read!

I suffered the same with my rebuilt battery drill and new battery, a week past! The tools inside the case excided all of the price to the for-mentioned.

Ouch, I can, and know your pain!

I forgot my own practices, and I'm still recovering! OUCH!! :mad:
Among the other precautions mentioned, I paint all my tools pink then my name. If some other craft picks one up as they drag up, it's theft.

I doubt if a pawn shop would take one in without a lot of questions.
Good News

Good News

My employer has decided to reimburse me for my stolen tools!:smile:
I realize that they were not obligated in anyway to help me out with reacquiring my tools but they felt that it was the right thing to do. I think that is one mark of a good employer.
I have learned much about how I should go about protecting my investment. I have had to make some modifications to the truck to better physically protect tools and stock. I have inquired about a inland marine insurance policy through my insurance agent.
I would like to thank all of the members for their advice, help, and compassion.
Thank You
My employer has decided to reimburse me for my stolen tools!:smile:
I realize that they were not obligated in anyway to help me out with reacquiring my tools but they felt that it was the right thing to do. I think that is one mark of a good employer.
I have learned much about how I should go about protecting my investment. I have had to make some modifications to the truck to better physically protect tools and stock. I have inquired about a inland marine insurance policy through my insurance agent.
I would like to thank all of the members for their advice, help, and compassion.
Thank You

Congratulations Matt. Keeping your cool and letting your boss think it over paid off. Everyone won (sign of a good transaction) and your peers will remember how you handled a difficult time.
Tool OR Whatever Thief

Tool OR Whatever Thief

I concur with the majority of the folks posting regarding a thief - most especially one that takes from a man what he earns his living with.

Our policy for employees states, they are in charge of thier tools - if they choose to leave them in the job trailer, conex or storage box it is on them. I realize it is a hardship to lug tools from vehicle to work place, but we are self insured up to 500K which means we pay anything below that out of either job cost or profits (read as the same thing) regardless with 35 employees on a job and a low estimate for journeyman's side tools at $350 that quickly get to 12K.

Finished a large school job last year (APX 5.4M with changes) building/site trailer was broken into over twenty five times during the 2 1/2 year consturction period- low lives stole wire off cable carts first time out ending up with about 8K in branch circuit wire, when they returned the following night I laid down a law saying all wire returned to Conex - they were breaking down the doors to electrical rooms and using cable and bolt cutters they had previouly stolen from our trailer when in the electrical rooms and cut out any exposed feeder wire. This list goes on and gets fairly nauseating the final tally was between 80-85K - the school districts insurance only covered if the SINGLE incident exceeded 20k - I can only say that next large project I'm running I will be putting some internet cameras on site to indentify and prosecute the rouges.

Have a good day all
What are you lacking from all of this MAK??? I've got a cellar full of retired tools and equipment. Can we help you out in any way? After iwire's warning, I'll keep my mouth shut. I have everything covered in HO's insurance, but equipment in my vehicle is another subject. I have never been through a theft, but we'll see that you get through yours. Do you need anything immediately right off hand????
whenever i think of tools that have been stolen i get so angry.
also i have gone to pawn shops and that is a waste of time. first of all, the tools that they have 'loaned on' are in the back for a period of time. and they will only let police see them, not you. also i noticed that on all the tools for sale have the serial number scratched out. that is why i will never buy from scum bag pawn shops. As for guys who bring tools to jobsites, i give thier licence plate # to the cops -- who will probably do nothing.

am i bitter?

but you can register your milwaukee tools at the milwaukee website. maybe the same for other brands. that is a surefire proof of ownership.

other than that, watch your tools like a hawk. i bring in my tools at night which is a major pain but at least i can sleep at night - seriously if stuff is in my truck at night i cant sleep.
I've thieves visit several jobsites during lunch and clean out all the tools.
For that reason I eat a bagged lunch and lock things up whenever I'm gone.

My guys and other crafts love it when I stick around.

If somebody comes around trying to sell tools or "apply for a job" I take their names & tag #'s.

Tools in back of PU trucks get stolen in at the blue & orange boxes all the time. In the second it takes to steal something, it's your word against theirs, most of the time.
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