Sub panel Change out

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Senior Member
Central Florida
How much time would you guys estimate to change out a sub panel Thats in dry wall .The meter and main are in back of the sub panel (mlo). There are 29 Ckts in the existing panel most of them are coming in from the top. I want to put a 42 ckt panel in its place. Any help with the time would be appreciated, thanks;)
jmsbrush said:
How much time would you guys estimate to change out a sub panel Thats in dry wall .The meter and main are in back of the sub panel (mlo). There are 29 Ckts in the existing panel most of them are coming in from the top. I want to put a 42 ckt panel in its place. Any help with the time would be appreciated, thanks;)
sounds like it's a main panel?
I average about 6hrs from start to finish on most of them, some I can do in 4hrs if the existing panel was pretty clean and not a rats nest.

Sometimes the back to back panels mess you up also since the sub feed pipe might end up in middle of bus bar or neutral bar of the new larger panel, forcing you to re route sub feed pipe.

Figure about 1 1/2 - 2 hrs to mark existing wires and remove panel from wall, another 1 1/2 hrs to to layout and knock out holes and get panel in wall.

another 2 hrs to reconnect all wires.

This is 1 man working at a real steady pace. I'd figure 8 hrs for est. purposes (unless of course you like hot dogs)
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I figured at least 8 at worst case scenario as well. The numbers sound good.
I'm just hoping the wires will be long enough to go into the new breakers. I will definitely have to put a box or trough below the panel for the few ckts down there. My material is about $490. So it should be a pretty good job if I get it, for 1 days work. I have never had to do this on a resi job before, so thank you guys
Don't think you will find a 42 cir ML residential panel. Of course I am assuming resi work here. 40 cir is what is usually available.
Usually if I'm installing a larger panel and there is room I will raise the top height of panel so that I can get and extra 6" - 1' of wire.

I think siemens is about the only full size 42 ckt you can get, square D you can get a 40
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Dennis Alwon said:
Don't think you will find a 42 cir ML residential panel. Of course I am assuming resi work here. 40 cir is what is usually available.
Dennis you are right, When I was making the panel sch... up I was doing it on a 42 ckt template, oops lol;)
Rich R said:
Usually if I'm installing a larger panel and there is room I will raise the top height of panel so that I can get and extra 6" - 1' of wire.
Yes I have done that in a old commercial rewire before, but the panel is already kinda high. So I know the top breaker can't be higher than 6'7"
I know the Square D panels are rated to be installed upside down if you wanted to go that route. The square D panels busbar is a little closer to the bottom than the top
Rich R said:
I know the Square D panels are rated to be installed upside down if you wanted to go that route. The square D panels busbar is a little closer to the bottom than the top
I didn't know that. Thats good to know;) I typically use Siemens though
So if Mr. Current in our area is charging $3000-4000 for these panel changes, their hourly rate is outrageous.

Yeap, I agree, 4 hours to change out a panel. However, we charge a flat rate and not by the hour for this kind of job.

CH and Square D both have remodel panels. Square D even has the new one with the removal plate holes at the top and bottom.

Do I think Mr. Current is high? Yes. But the more of those jobs they get at that price, I can keep raising my prices and still make decent money and still be under them.
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