Sub panel Change out

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rich000 said:
Do I think Mr. Current is high? Yes. But the more of those jobs they get at that price, I can keep raising my prices and still make decent money and still be under them.
Why do you want to be under them?

Wouldn't it be better to match them or be above them and and make great money instead of decent money. :)
If it is one of those old GE load centers that were not 14-1/2" wide and all packed up with wire so that the cover hardly closes, then figure for more like maybe 6 hours due to reworking the framing, and contending with a mess of wire.
ok so to change that panel you would charge 6 hours labor.....75(for example)x6=....450labor plus materials...i mean thats like 800 bucks..maybe.....I think what he wants to know(and myself) what kind of profit is reasonable to make on a panel change????
guess I am getting too old i would say 8.5 hours cause I would rather charge like Mr Current and take my time and make it look nice with a smile on my face as I dont have to hustle to finish to get to the next job to get the bills paid.
Dennis Alwon said:
Don't think you will find a 42 cir ML residential panel. Of course I am assuming resi work here. 40 cir is what is usually available.

Square d QO 142L225G or something like that is a MLO 42 ckt 42 space panel

I've done probably 40 panel changes in the past year, all recessed in drywall.

Some EMT (houses built in 60's when men were men and electrical contractors actually made money) and some Romex. I can honestly say that a 6 hour average time is pretty accurate and that is with a good electrician taking very few if any breaks.

Sure you will get a few that you can do in 4 hours ( surface mount panel, all wires come in from same side etc..) but those are not will also get some that take 8 or more ( Macmikeman's example of the rats nest with studs too close together)

As for materials, unless you are using absolute garbage, your not going to put together a new 40 ckt panel with new breakers and other misc materials ( polaris taps, boxes, ground bars , etc..) for less than $350 and that don't include arc faults or any mark up at all.
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aline said:
Why do you want to be under them?

Wouldn't it be better to match them or be above them and and make great money instead of decent money. :)

I think it is great that they are getting these prices. I think all electrical work should be expensive (just like a plumber, roofer, etc). People are scared of electricity and should have to pay for it. I just hate giving a quote and them saying that's too high. How do they know how high it is?
Arc Faults

Arc Faults

Was wondering why arc faults are added to service change? I'd usually only add an arc fault if I was entending a circuit into a bedroom area. Did I misunderstand?
rich000 said:
So if Mr. Current in our area is charging $3000-4000 for these panel changes, their hourly rate is outrageous.

Are they charging 3-4 grand for a panel change or a service change?

Do the customers know the difference? I have been in homes where they think they have a new service but only have a new panel.

I think it would be hard to sell a panel change for $4000 if the customer really understood what they are paying for. $4000 for a service change really isn't that bad if everything is done right.
I really have a hard time with the 4 to 6 hours. Either way it will be the only job you have that day unless you can catch a short call on the way home.

Estimating, procurement and installation would be a solid 8 hours.
Clean up
Inspections and permitting?

I would estimate the job at two grand minimum.

Someone doing it as a side job and happy to make 50 bucks an hour, $650.00
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jrannis said:
I really have a hard time with the 4 to 6 hours. Either way it will be the only job you have that day unless you can catch a short call on the way home.

Estimating, procurement and installation would be a solid 8 hours.
Clean up
Inspections and permitting?

I would estimate the job at two grand minimum.

Someone doing it as a side job and happy to make 50 bucks an hour, $650.00

Exactly, the guys playing contractor working side jobs, have no idea what it cost to operate a full time contracting business, so they way under estimate everything. Until the day they are thrown in with the sharks, they will insist their thinking is correct.
There it is then. Until you guys start pricing panel upgrades at $2000 you are all just 'playing contractor'. Also, you will not be able to do a nice job, wear a smile on your faces, or eat any steak.
macmikeman said:
the orig poster asked how long not how much.

Yeah but then we wouldn't have anything to argue about for the next few days on the forum

These are just basic contracting forum rules :

1. Always try whenever possible to twist a post into a T&M vs Flat Rate debate, no matter what the OP was asking

2. Mention Steak and Hot Dogs as much as possible

3. Bring up Side jobs, and use the term "Trunk slammer " when you can
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My labor units see it this way:
1-200A 120/240V 1Ph load center 40 circuit = 4.2hrs
40-1P breakers @ .20 man/hrs ea = 8.0hrs

Total = 12.2 hours
That's what I would charge and do the job in 5-6 hrs.

Do you guys use labor units?
jmsbrush said:
Panel is 145 to 150, 3 arc at 45.00= $135
2- 60a =$120
3- 30 =$90
2-20= $21.00

You said you are using Seimens, My price for that is

1- $65 MLO
2- 60A = 16
3- 30A = 24
14- 20 = 42

I don't have to use arc fault but I would pay # @ 32= 96

Total for panel materials $243

I was figuring on having to replace the feeders and other Misc to get $285

Where are you buyinh your stuff I will sel it to you for that with free shipping.

And i thought you said there were 29 circuits?
ashtrak said:
Was wondering why arc faults are added to service change? I'd usually only add an arc fault if I was entending a circuit into a bedroom area. Did I misunderstand?
The bedrooms have no arc protection. So I am going to bring it to code
bikeindy said:
You said you are using Seimens, My price for that is

1- $65 MLO
2- 60A = 16
3- 30A = 24
14- 20 = 42

I don't have to use arc fault but I would pay # @ 32= 96

Total for panel materials $243

I was figuring on having to replace the feeders and other Misc to get $285

Where are you buyinh your stuff I will sel it to you for that with free shipping.

And i thought you said there were 29 circuits?
Those prices are coming from the orange store. It was after 5:00 pm and my supply house was closed. I have 2 accounts, One Nationally know distributor and one a local. Sometimes I have to watch the prices
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