Sunday pictures

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That is very cool Phil. Thanks.

Breaking news???

Well i have respect for these guys but since ive been doing electrical work just a few years now .

Why doesnt the electrical engineer ever give us a chase or locate the electrical rooms so it easy to get to from point to point with 300 plus conduits .

Electricians must do more layout than any other trade and then they bitch when were in conflict with a duct or a mechanical pipe i just laugh !:D
Well i have respect for these guys but since ive been doing electrical work just a few years now .

Why doesnt the electrical engineer ever give us a chase or locate the electrical rooms so it easy to get to from point to point with 300 plus conduits .

Electricians must do more layout than any other trade and then they bitch when were in conflict with a duct or a mechanical pipe i just laugh !:D

I did a project at Marshal Space Flight Center on one of the first test stands built there. The original drawings had conduit locations and elevations marked specifically on the drawings. This is the structure.

I did a project at Marshal Space Flight Center on one of the first test stands built there. The original drawings had conduit locations and elevations marked specifically on the drawings.

Well were kinda on the same page when it comes to the space program we worked for Chrome elec. and Behee & Umholts electric back when the space program was hot and we had the funds . Yes the engineers there give you a plan and route most power plants give you a route and elevations but commercial work does not ?
We worked on pad 39 lots of times in 1969 thur 1970s refits and new work underground conduits duct banks rigid shc 180 6 inch lots of fun .

Heres a launch from that pad from titusville about 5 miles out the local folks know were iam talking about its the best place to be just watch out for the gators !

Were not aloud to take pictures there but the pad is mine the other launch one is just a copy of that pad .Very high security there my camera was in my tester cover !
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The project I worked on involved building a building in one of the blast pits. It was for dynamic stress testing of Shuttle components.

Well take your last look at the pictures because its now being broken down sad but every one is looking for jobs at the space center now .
We mostly ran conduit deep inside and around the pad we worked on the bigg water pump systems that are used to muff out the sound of the fuel rockets when they start up and take off large amounts of water must flow in seconds .
Heres a picture of the flame trench lots of water it blows out the walls from the heat steam thats what you see when you see a take off its steam . Were talking extreme heat


This is the trench lots of water flow we ran flame detectors heat sensors camera systems but just the conduit only thats our specialty .

Pump systems large motors 500 hp and up to feed the beast when its count down time in the flame trench .
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Well take your last look at the pictures because its now being broken down sad but every one is looking for jobs at the space center now .
We mostly ran conduit deep inside and around the pad we worked on the bigg water pump systems that are used to muff out the sound of the fuel rockets when they start up and take off large amounts of water must flow in seconds .
Heres a picture of the flame trench lots of water it blows out the walls from the heat steam thats what you see when you see a take off its steam . Were talking extreme heat


This is the trench lots of water flow we ran flame detectors heat sensors camera systems but just the conduit only thats our specialty .

Pump systems large motors 500 hp and up to feed the beast when its count down time in the flame trench .

My father retired as the chief of the photo lab at MSFC in 1986. He worked there from 1959 until then. I only had the privilege of working on what those before me built.
Well tell him hello from a old electrician from florida and that iam more impressed with what we did back then before the computer age and we wish him well ! And will miss the space program not for the work its just lots of money wasted now .

Heres one of the pumps in action just to show how much water flows theres 6 main pumps and 6 back up pumps just in case one fails its a river ride kinda like the grand cannon rapids :D

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