We used the ceiling grid support wire to support MC cable using zip ties in a non fire rated ceiling space to what I think complies with the excption in 300.11 2. The inspector asked to documentation from the manufacturer. They dont have anything in writing to say you cant in the instructions. Just an email that says as long as you dont bend the grid wire or have it resting on the ceiling they dont care one way or the other. So there is nothing to support or deny the use of the exeption
I understand the code says what it says...but it also dosent say what isnt there. QUOTE]
300.11 dosent say you cant use ceiling grid wire to support cables it reads "support wires that do not provide secure support shall not be permitted as sole support....."where" ( not shall") independant support wires are used they shall be secured at both ends. cables and raceways shall not be supported by cieling "grids", the word "wire" isnt there IMO the grid wire provides secure support ans as such it is permited as sole support
Actually the word wire is there, 300-11(A)(2) says, "Wiring located within the cavity of a non-fire rated floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assembly shall not be secured to or supported by, the ceiling assembly, including the ceiling support