9-46 Log #2015 NEC-P09 Final Action: Reject
Submitter: Dennis Baker, Springs & Sons Electrical Contractors, Inc. / Rep. IEC
Recommendation: Add text to read as follows:
(E) Raceway Supported Enclosure, Without Devices, Luminaires (Fixtures),or Lampholders. An enclosure that does not contain a device(s) other than splicing devices or support a luminaire(s) [fixture(s)], lampholder, or other equipment and is supported by entering raceways shall not exceed 1650 cm 3 (100 in. 3 ) in size. It shall have threaded entries or have hubs identified for the purpose. It shall be supported by two or more conduits threaded wrenchtight into the enclosure or hubs. When conduit is run underground one conduit connection can be made using a listed threadless connector. Each conduit shall be secured within 900 mm (3 ft) of the enclosure, or within 450 mm (18 in.) of the enclosure if all conduit entries are on the same side.
Substantiation: When running rigid metal or intermediate metal conduit underground between several boxes such as for receptacles in the back yard of a residential occupancy, a threadless connector would be plenty adequate to support the box when the two conduits are turned up and one conduit threaded into the box and the other fastened with a threadless fitting.
Panel Meeting Action: Reject
Panel Statement: The conduits need to be threaded in, and there is no basis for making this rule more lenient just because one or more of the raceway entries are running underground. Often a conduit supported by soil has more give than one supported through conventional anchors. If a conduit cannot be turned in, the code permits the use of a threaded union to solve this problem.
Number Eligible to Vote: 11
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 10
Ballot Not Returned: 1 de Vega, H.