Surprising notice at HD!!! What the???

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Either way you have to go and mess with them.

I did that at Hover Dam, really messed up the tour guide, he was giving poor information about the ABB transformers in the basin (We are standing right by them with 40 Ft high "ABB" markings on the transformer) when he asked how I knew he was wrong I handed him my ABB Business card.
I wouldn't say that's surprising at all. HD is the king of "you can do it, we can help."

I'd say I have a problem with this, but I don't because I like to be a DIY on my own home with plumbing.
"...Now class, you hook up this ground wire to yer rods and go to the water with it....yer drip loop's gotta be by yer porcelin knob....and put yer meter on the side-a-the house and strap her down good. Then yer electrik panel hangs on the cellar wall in back of yer dryer 'n washer machine. Stop bye here tomorraw an' I'll go over with ya 'bout gfi's 'n afi's. You can go now." :D
lpelectric said:
"...Now class, you hook up this ground wire to yer rods and go to the water with it....yer drip loop's gotta be by yer porcelin knob....and put yer meter on the side-a-the house and strap her down good. Then yer electrik panel hangs on the cellar wall in back of yer dryer 'n washer machine. Stop bye here tomorraw an' I'll go over with ya 'bout gfi's 'n afi's. You can go now." :D
Can I call for an inspection now??
maybe should contact the state inspection department and have them send someone anonymously there and take notes if enough bad info is given out the state could force them into not giving any future advice..
Hello Pierre;
Is there anything NJ would do?

It is legal for HOs in NJ to do anything in there home as long as it is not
rental property AND the local town gives them a permit.

I have worked with some customers that have submitted a permit app to the town and they were told by the local AHJ to get a licensed EC to do the work. But that is not the norm.
The sad truth is that in many states it is not illegal to do the wiring on your own home. What those states don't realize is someone else is going to be stuck with a job that is very likely non code compliant.

I have no issues with people wanted to save money but safety can be an issue.
I don't think there is anything illegal about what HD is doing. When you get down to it they are giving a class in basic residential wiring. In most places a homeowner is allowed to do their own work.

Unless they advise the customer to do something really dangerous I don't think you could touch them.

They will probably use the class to sell a bunch of their home wiring books ( which the homeowner won't read anyway) and any other training materials and tools ( many that will never be used ).

If you think about it there are advertisements where they offer to teach anyone to become an electrician by correspondence course. I really don't think that's possible but that doesn't keep them from selling the training materials.

The reason most homeowners can't do their own electrical work is because they expect everthing to be easy and when they find out how much time and effort is really involved they give up and call someone.
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Surprising notice at HD

Surprising notice at HD

After applying local anesthesia to your scalp, using a compressed-air nailer they implant a microchip into your brain containing the current NEC and all necessary tutorials, local ordinances, algorithms, rules-of-thumb, math, etc..

You may experience a headache for a day or so.

Updates are charged by the month and can only be downloaded at your local HD.
Just give it time, like going thru a red light, sooner or later there is an accident, As soon as some weekend DIY electric project built, with the skilled HD instructors lessons, kills father of four, the HD managment will continue it's program, they just don't get electrical work is not a Hobby, or in some cases a DIY project.
Nothing wrong with teaching, or attempting to teach, someone. Information should not be restricted. There's no reason for that. Actually doing the work is a totally different thing than teaching and learning about it. Even the TV shows have disclaimers that say the information is not necessarily complete or accurate. Edu-tainment is the buzzword. Sorta the same idea as HD. Do you really think they want to teach someone how to wire their home, or do they just want to present enough information to get a bit of foot traffic in the store during an otherwise slow time of day and sell a few electrical supplies and tools? It's just marketing, and if someone learns a little something in the mean time, that's a good thing. If they actually perform some work and screw it up, that's their problem to deal with, not HD's. Nobody's making anyone do anything.
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