Surprising notice at HD!!! What the???

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mdshunk said:
....Even the TV shows have disclaimers that say the information is not necessarily complete or accurate.....

Ever notice how those TV shows like HomeTime or This Old House rarely, if ever, deal with electrical? It's because they already know those two words producers find so hard so say....."Product Liability".
480sparky said:
Ever notice how those TV shows like HomeTime or This Old House rarely, if ever, deal with electrical? It's because they already know those two words producers find so hard so say....."Product Liability".
I don't know why anyone would be scared of information.

480sparky said:
It's because they already know those two words producers find so hard so say....."Product Liability".

I don't really believe that is it.

I think it has more to do with what the viewers want to see. If producers where really worried about liability shows like Fear Factor, Jackass (TV show / Movie) would not be around.

Think about what TOH does show, changing out carrying beams of an entire home, how to temporarily support a pouch roof while working under it, how to install chimneys, fireplaces, wood stoves, working from ladders and staging, how to demo a entire roof, how to knock walls down. All of these activities can be very dangerous.

Honestly I think the answer is much more basic, to most viewers watching someone run wire is like watching grass grow.
iwire said:
I don't really believe that is it.

I think it has more to do with what the viewers want to see. If producers where really worried about liability shows like Fear Factor, Jackass (TV show / Movie) would not be around.

Think about what TOH does show, changing out carrying beams of an entire home, how to temporarily support a pouch roof while working under it, how to install chimneys, fireplaces, wood stoves, working from ladders and staging, how to demo a entire roof, how to knock walls down. All of these activities can be very dangerous.

Honestly I think the answer is much more basic, to most viewers watching someone run wire is like watching grass grow.

TOH sure pushes the limits at times, we may never know how many how many injures resulted from some of these activities.
satcom said:
TOH sure pushes the limits at times, we may never know how many how many injures resulted from some of these activities.

And everyone of those injuries is entirely the fault of the people doing the work, not of TOH. Living is a dangerous pastime.
The sign stopped me in my tracks. I do think that this type of propaganda can add to the HOs case of sticker shock at bid time.

"Why does it cost $2700 to install cans and closet lights and switches in 3 bedrooms? A case of 6 recessed lights are ONLY $56 at the depot!
AND they can show me how to do it."

It makes closing the sale more difficult.
jjhoward said:
The sign stopped me in my tracks. I do think that this type of propaganda can add to the HOs case of sticker shock at bid time.

"Why does it cost $2700 to install cans and closet lights and switches in 3 bedrooms? A case of 6 recessed lights are ONLY $56 at the depot!
AND they can show me how to do it."

It makes closing the sale more difficult.
thats a pretty large problem i find in the residential market. a lot of people tell me they know what stuff costs so it shouldnt be that much. then when they get an estimate the jaw hits the floor. "a panel should only be about a hundred bucks or so and ground rods are not that much money either" :roll:
TwinCitySparky said:
And one or two arc flash victim pictures...
I don't think I have ever heard of an arc-flash incident involving a 200A 120/240v panel fed from a 15kva xfm. What would that be, a Haz Cat -1?

Dennis Alwon said:
The sad truth is that in many states it is not illegal to do the wiring on your own home. ....
If you think that is a sad truth, wait till I fly the airplane my dad and I are building over your house:D Yes we are, and it's not an ultralight, 1920lbs gross, 200hp Lycoming. Do you really think it is as dangerous for me to wire my own house? Which I did, and plumbing, roofing, and ...

coulter said:
If you think that is a sad truth, wait till I fly the airplane my dad and I are building over your house:D Yes we are, and it's not an ultralight, 1920lbs gross, 200hp Lycoming. Do you really think it is as dangerous for me to wire my own house? Which I did, and plumbing, roofing, and ...

You can probably do all that other stuff you claim to do but Flyfishing takes real skill. :grin: :grin: :grin:

**Note: See profile
Our local HD just recently hired a licensed electrician to work in their electrical department, I was also told that they hired a licensed plumber as well. I was told by another employee that this indivduals pay was $25/hr, I sure wish they had more openings, even part time would be fine.
nizak said:
Our local HD just recently hired a licensed electrician to work in their electrical department, I was also told that they hired a licensed plumber as well. I was told by another employee that this indivduals pay was $25/hr, I sure wish they had more openings, even part time would be fine.

I've seen $27/hr openings around my area, some were posted on this site as well.
nizak said:
Our local HD just recently hired a licensed electrician to work in their electrical department, I was also told that they hired a licensed plumber as well. I was told by another employee that this indivduals pay was $25/hr, I sure wish they had more openings, even part time would be fine.
if our license does not allow us to legally connect and energize wiring that was done by someone else, then how does it allow us to advise someone on what to buy and how to put it together?
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