Surprising notice at HD!!! What the???

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stickboy1375 said:
Yep.... believe it or not. But, I believe the job was more of dealing with contractors not walking around the store suggesting how to hang a fan...;)

Oh, the contractor desk...makes sense. They should want someone who has half a clue to work at that.
I'm surprised they're teaching anyone to do any of their own electrical work. The HDs in my area advertise that they offer electrical service work. Look in one of their contractor services brochures. That's why I avoid them as much as I can. Why should we buy materials from our competition?:roll:
Due to the fact I am an "Electrical Specialist" at a HD, I'd like to be part of this discussion. First I agree that the HD's "How to wire your house" sign is laughable. Thank goodness no one has asked me to conduct such classes. In the recent past I posted a pic I took myself of the "Ampacity Guide" they have displayed over the wire rack. All of the ampacity ratings are from the 90 degree column but that info is not stated; so some dude looks up at it and thinks, "Cool, I can put #6 copper on a 75 amp breaker". Anyway, in an effort to speedily assist the contractors and help inform the home owner, Home Depot has begun hiring licensed plumbers and electricians. So I'd like to think that I'm doing good by helping both types of customers, both experienced and non. It is frustrating, however, when a homeowner comes in looking to do his own work because he doesn't like the quote his electrician gave him. This particular person knows only enough to be dangerous and I tell them to get another quote but should expect it to be similar because you are paying for experience and a job done right. (I also try to make him see that not all that $ goes into the Electrician's pocket as a contractor has a lot of overhead) I ask them if they have a lot of time to kill because they're going to be making numerous trips back and forth to the store for materials they didn't know they needed not to mention that the job will likely be much harder than they anticipated. I also throw in the best advice I can give: Just because it works doesn't mean it's safe.

One more thing, just as someone was saying, HD does many things in order to get people in the door, such as these how to classes. Another thing which I became aware of last week is the markup on some of the items. I thought it was a mistake when I saw the paperwork for 1000' reel of 14/2 romex. Apparently HD was paying $186 and selling it for $180. I brought this to my supervisors attention but said that's perfectly normal, the low price is just to get people in the door.
peter d said:
Oh, the contractor desk...makes sense. They should want someone who has half a clue to work at that.

The money is still not bad, think about it, inside all year round, cute girls, free coffee, cute girls, nice benefits, did I mention cute girls? :grin:
mark32 said:
I ask them if they have a lot of time to kill because they're going to be making numerous trips back and forth to the store for materials they didn't know they needed not to mention that the job will likely be much harder than they anticipated. I also throw in the best advice I can give: Just because it works doesn't mean it's safe.

Do you also tell them that they will have to make numerous trips to the supply house for all the stuff they will need that HD doesn't carry?

One more thing, just as someone was saying, HD does many things in order to get people in the door, such as these how to classes. Another thing which I became aware of last week is the markup on some of the items. I thought it was a mistake when I saw the paperwork for 1000' reel of 14/2 romex. Apparently HD was paying $186 and selling it for $180. I brought this to my supervisors attention but said that's perfectly normal, the low price is just to get people in the door.

Then they mark up a bunch of other stuff. I'll stick with my supply house.:smile:
mark32 said:
....Apparently HD was paying $186 and selling it for $180. I brought this to my supervisors attention but said that's perfectly normal, the low price is just to get people in the door.

It's called a "Loss Leader" item.
tmbrk said:
Then they mark up a bunch of other stuff. I'll stick with my supply house.:smile:
Although HD and Lowe's can sometimes beat the socks off a supply house with their loss-leaders, they are still more expensive for the whole job. A couple years ago I RFQ'd Lowes, Home Depot, and two supply houses with a couple materials lists. Both supply houses beat the big-box stores with the bottom line price by a pretty good margin. Almost 10%, as I recall. I guess if a guy had time on his hands he could scurry around getting the cheap stuff at Lowe's and HD, and the rest at the supply house. Me, I just use Lowe's and HD if I need something I know they have for a job I'm at that's closer to them than a regular supply house. I'm not ashamed that I do like their PVC bends that have a bell end on the one end. They don't sell them at any of my supply houses.
"Do you also tell them that they will have to make numerous trips to the supply house for all the stuff they will need that HD doesn't carry?"

Ha ha, that's a good one. Actually we have a descent selection of material but of course I end up sending someone to a supply house everyday. I'm trying to get more contractor brands on the shelf (3m, Arlington, Slater, etc) but no luck just yet. Also trying to keep the popular items on the shelf is sometimes a hassle but it's getting too late to write about that.

As far as the markup goes, I think just about everyone is happy paying HD prices, the problem is getting in and out of the store as opposed to going to a supply house, no?
mark32 said:
...the problem is getting in and out of the store as opposed to going to a supply house, no?
Got that right. The 'contractor' line should only be for contractors and not every wannabee with a tape rule clipped on his belt. Often when I go in, I see empty registers, so I zip back quickly and get my couple things, then go back up front and people with cartloads of plywood and lumber have things all clogged up. 900 employees standing around, but none of them can open a register quick and check a few people out?
mark32 said:
"Do you also tell them that they will have to make numerous trips to the supply house for all the stuff they will need that HD doesn't carry?"

Ha ha, that's a good one. Actually we have a descent selection of material but of course I end up sending someone to a supply house everyday. I'm trying to get more contractor brands on the shelf (3m, Arlington, Slater, etc) but no luck just yet. Also trying to keep the popular items on the shelf is sometimes a hassle but it's getting too late to write about that.

As far as the markup goes, I think just about everyone is happy paying HD prices, the problem is getting in and out of the store as opposed to going to a supply house, no?

That is true that they are all over the place and I do still use them when I need something in a pinch. I used to use them alot but I think what really turned me off of them in the first place is that they not only don't carry alot of stuff but also they won't order it either.

A couple of years ago I did a price comparison between the supply house and HD concerning Lutron Maestro dimmers. I needed about twenty masters and eight slaves. I could not believe how much more money they wanted at HD.
coulter said:
I don't think I have ever heard of an arc-flash incident involving a 200A 120/240v panel fed from a 15kva xfm. What would that be, a Haz Cat -1?


Thats not even self sustaining, HRC 0.
tmbrk said:
A couple of years ago I did a price comparison between the supply house and HD concerning Lutron Maestro dimmers. I needed about twenty masters and eight slaves. I could not believe how much more money they wanted at HD.

And I bet if your customer did a price comparison they would not believe how much more money you wanted than HD.

Why is it that we are always crying about what we have to pay for stuff and yet we cry just as much when the customer crys about what they are paying us?? :-?

I have no problem with HD conducting thse seminars or whatever you want to call them. And I have no problem with DIYs. I am one.

The reality most overlook here is that the home improvement boom took off at the same time HD and Lowes went nationwide in a big way. There is a connection. I for one have personally benefitted from it.

Thank you Home Depot!!
I was in the blue big box just yesterday to pick up a small ground bar since my supply house doesn't carry anything smaller than about 8"'s.

The guy checking out in front of me had a basket which consisted of about 20 open rings for can lights a dozen or so switches, about 3 dozen 20 amp receps. all in gray. I found this a rather unusual combination and asked him "None of my business, but what are you wiring up there?"

He told me he was finishing his mom's basement and was getting ready to finish out the wiring. I asked him why he was using 20 amp. receps. and he admitted he really wasn't sure. I then asked him if he was using #12 or #14. and again he said he really wasn't sure. So I asked him what color the romex wiring was and he told me it was white.

I told him he really didn't need the 20 amp and he could save alot of money and go get the 15's which are alot cheaper. He told me he noticed that but he prefered to overkill on things since it was Mom's house and all. He thanked me for the tip and said he would remember that next time.

Makes me wonder how much money is wasted by homeowners doing things wrong.

ElectricianJeff said:
I was in the blue big box just yesterday to pick up a small ground bar since my supply house doesn't carry anything smaller than about 8"'s.

The guy checking out in front of me had a basket which consisted of about 20 open rings for can lights a dozen or so switches, about 3 dozen 20 amp receps. all in gray. I found this a rather unusual combination and asked him "None of my business, but what are you wiring up there?"

He told me he was finishing his mom's basement and was getting ready to finish out the wiring. I asked him why he was using 20 amp. receps. and he admitted he really wasn't sure. I then asked him if he was using #12 or #14. and again he said he really wasn't sure. So I asked him what color the romex wiring was and he told me it was white.

I told him he really didn't need the 20 amp and he could save alot of money and go get the 15's which are alot cheaper. He told me he noticed that but he prefered to overkill on things since it was Mom's house and all. He thanked me for the tip and said he would remember that next time.

Makes me wonder how much money is wasted by homeowners doing things wrong.


I wonder if he used 30 amp breakers on the #14 wire that he probly daisy chained all over the house that hes installing 20 amp recepts on, to assure that mom doesnt trip the breaker when she plugs in her space heater, microwave, vacuum cleaner, etc......
coulter said:
I don't think I have ever heard of an arc-flash incident involving a 200A 120/240v panel fed from a 15kva xfm. What would that be, a Haz Cat -1?


Oh geez - Hello Mr. Literal. What was I thinking? No danger with a home panel at all. If they open the panel and touch those big fat wires attempting to add that 14/2, Nothing bad will happen. VERY little danger there. You work nights at the homey D right? Point was, the pictures might give an idea... Oh nevermind. Let them at it!!

I'll go back to my "lurker corner" and avoid future temptation to post anything useful. (Like most who silently frequent this board.) Gee, I wonder why that happens so much?? :rolleyes: :cool:
ultramegabob said:
I wonder if he used 30 amp breakers on the #14 wire that he probly daisy chained all over the house that hes installing 20 amp recepts on, to assure that mom doesnt trip the breaker when she plugs in her space heater, microwave, vacuum cleaner, etc......

I would of liked to talk with him more but he seemed in a big hurry to go burn up his mom's house.:wink:

growler said:
You can probably do all that other stuff you claim to do but Flyfishing takes real skill....
I'm working on that. It must be a hoot watching me. Tying the line around my head, one hook stuck in my cheek (so far). I didn't get to go last summer. Maybe this year.

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