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- Washington
kwired: are you familiar with loadshedding to meet the 83 amps max of the 20kW? For example if the calculated load is 130 amps you just add contactors until you drop the load to generator capacity.
Yes, but what remains is based on using the NEC to do a load calc based on diversity. The generator is automatic and it must meet the code. And that is figured out by using, for example the optional method to calculate the load.
kwired: are you familiar with loadshedding to meet the 83 amps max of the 20kW? For example if the calculated load is 130 amps you just add contactors until you drop the load to generator capacity.
What is your take on this wording from 310.15(B)(*)Realize, of course, it matters not what you, I or anyone thinks other than your AHJ.
To me, 100 scenarios and the same rule (wording) applies. "all loads associated with the dwelling unit" is what the Code states.
Not all connected loads, not "other than loads"...all loads associated with the dwelling. Unless you have that, IMO, 310.15(B)(*) does not apply.
That is another reason I stand by the table dose not apply. You can try and say if the power is out the generator is the main source but IMO it is not. What dose the generator become when the power is restored? The only way I would see a generator as being the main source was if it were truly the only source attached to the dwelling.For application of this section,
the main power feeder shall be the feeder between the
main disconnect and the panelboard that supplies, either by
branch circuits or by feeders, or both, all loads that are part
or associated with the dwelling unit.
ceb58, OK, I'll look at that problem.
That is a good point and I will look at it a step at a time. This might be a stretch here. :jawdrop:
First looking at Article 100, 225 & 230, I can't find a definition of " main disconnect " even though that is what we call the service disconnect. ( SERVICE EQUIPMENT mentions main control ) And then it is assumed all feeders proceed away from the " main ".
Why doesn't it say service disconnect instead of main disconnect if that is what they meant? Does main mean chief among or service or feeder disconnect?
If it means from the service disconnect outward to the house panel ( apartment or SFR etc. ) then I am SOL.
The other way to look at it is in the event of a power outage and the generator takes over providing power and it's breaker becomes the " feeder disconnect ". Whether that is the " main " or " chief " disconnect, I am not sure. But I know in our example it is not a new service so it can't be a service disconnect.
When the power is restored the generator is still the sole provider of power until it transfers. So I am not too worried about that aspect of your question.
On the same subject but a different note: Article 225.39(C) says the smallest feeder to a SFR is 100 amps. The 20kW generator is a feeder with a 100 amp CB. How does a 12 - 17 kW generator get installed with a whole house transfer switch?
So somewhere the AHJ must overlook some of these things.
Besides, it all depends on what the definition of is is.
(7) 120/240-Volt, 3-Wire, Single-Phase Dwelling Services and Feeders. For individual dwelling units of one-family, two-family, and multifamily dwellings, conductors, as listed in Table 310.15(B)(7), shall be permitted as 120/240-volt, 3-wire, single-phase service-entrance conductors, service-lateral conductors, and feeder conductors that serve as the main power feeder to each dwelling unit and are installed in raceway or cable with or without an equipment grounding conductor. For application of this section, the main power feeder shall be the feeder between the main disconnect and the panelboard that supplies, either by branch circuits or by feeders, or both, all loads that are part or associated with the dwelling unit. The feeder conductors to a dwelling unit shall not be required to have an allowable ampacity rating greater than their service-entrance conductors. The grounded conductor shall be permitted to be smaller than the ungrounded conductors, provided the requirements of 215.2, 220.61, and 230.42 are met.
Though I changed my position earlier, I still have to question the interpretation, especially knowing the following...... The condition is they must be supply all loads that are a part of a single family dwelling unit. By limiting current with load shedding methods you are no longer supplying all loads. By not supplying all loads you are changing the load diversity that there would be if you were supplying all loads.
Now if you have a load calculation that is equal or less than your generator output or if you can shed loads to be equal or less than the generator output, then you can automatically transfer those loads, but nowhere does it say you can do so with 310.15(B)(7) sized conductors, unless they are supplying all loads of the dwelling as stated in 310.15(B)(7) itself.
Automatic load shedding establishes noncoincident loads220.60 Noncoincident Loads. Where it is unlikely that
two or more noncoincident loads will be in use simultaneously,
it shall be permissible to use only the largest
load(s) that will be used at one time for calculating the total
load of a feeder or service.
Service-entrance conductors for 120/240-volt,3-wire, single-phase dwelling
services are permitted to be sized from Table 310.15(b)(7) instead of from Table
310.15(B)(16). Feeders that carry the whole load of a dwelling unit can also be
sized from Table 310.15(B)(7).[p]
If feeders to a dwelling unit do not carry the whole load for the dwelling,then
310.15(B)(7) cannot be used.
I am wondering how others see this situation.
Table 310.15(B)(6) list conductor types and sizes specifically for 120/240-volt, 3 wire, single phase dwelling services and feeders that carry the entire load of the dwelling unit.
In our state the circuit breaker on the generator is the required disconnect even if it is not specifically service rated. If the generator is readily accessable and located within site of the building the circuit breaker on the unit will suffice.
So the conductors that supply the load at the house are between the main disconnect on the generator and the panelboard which have the loads.
Home generators are classified Optional Standby Systems and as we know they are a feeder.
Also load shedding would have no bearing on the situation. If a generator fed an entire home regardless that some loads could possibly be shed makes no difference. It still is connected to the entire house load.
Example #1: The house has a 200 amp service, 1 200 amp panel.
20kW run to a 200 amp SE ( service enterance ) load shed transfer switch. Some loads are shed as necessary to meet Code.
The generator has a 100 amp CB. According to the table, #4 cu or #2 al is ok. All the conditions of Article 310.15B)(6) are met.
Example #2: the house has a 400 amp ( actually a 320 amp ) service, 2 - 200 amp panels.
20kW run to 1 - 200 amp SE transfer switch with only one panel connected at the house. The other panel is not backed up.
All the conditions are now NOT met and using the table would not be allowed. The generator is NOT now powering up the entire house.
How do others see this?
If this helps you a 20kw(82 amps @ 240 v) Generac generator comes prewired from the factory with #4 cu(85 amps @ 75 deg) for a feeder. The generator itself does not see any load diversity, only the load that is connected to it, therefore the conductors must be able to carry the maximun load that the genset put out. FWIW generator manufacturers highly recommend that you load them to 80% or less of their capacity for a longer life span. I don't see how table 310.15(B)(6) even applies to generators at all.
And that is another can of worms. So we say the argument about 310.15 (B)(6) is moot. If we were to wire the feeder to the gen. We would have to follow 240.4 and use #3 on the 100amp breaker.If this helps you a 20kw(82 amps @ 240 v) Generac generator comes prewired from the factory with #4 cu(85 amps @ 75 deg) for a feeder. The generator itself does not see any load diversity, only the load that is connected to it, therefore the conductors must be able to carry the maximun load that the genset put out. FWIW generator manufacturers highly recommend that you load them to 80% or less of their capacity for a longer life span. I don't see how table 310.15(B)(6) even applies to generators at all.
Lots of listed equipment has conductors smaller than NEC would allow, but they are tested and listed with those conductors and NEC does not apply to them if they are a part of listed equipment.
I don't get what you are trying to say with "The generator itself does not see any load diversity, only the load that is connected to it".
But at same time we are not really talking about the generator, we are talking about conductors between a generator and a load.
My point is that the conductors between the gen. and the load should be large enough to carry the entire capacity of the generator's output, load diversity has nothing to do with that at all. Example, if you have a maximum load of 50 amps connected to a gen. that can supply a maximum of 80 amps what size conductor would you install? The answer should be conductors that can carry 80 amps.
You only need 50 amp conductors, but you will need to provide overcurrent protection of 50 amps also.