Kevin, I am not sure what is up but neither my 2011 or 2014 have the 'OR' you are showing us.
I just copied and pasted from the pdf file I have of the 2011 code. I still can't understand why I can't find a 2 circuit double pole switch anywhere, and the Leviton tech's quote was "I've been working here for a very long time and I've never heard of a 2 circuit double pole switch. They make motor control switches 2 circuit rated but I've never heard of a double pole rated that way". And that's Leviton speaking!!
I'm just trying to increase my knowledge and I do appreciate every one's input so please somebody find me a 2 circuit rated double pole switch!!!
404.8 Accessibility and Grouping.
(A) Location. All switches and circuit breakers used as
switches shall be located so that they may be operated from
a readily accessible place. They shall be installed such that
the center of the grip of the operating handle of the switch
or circuit breaker, when in its highest position, is not more
than 2.0 m (6 ft 7 in.) above the floor or working platform.
Exception No. 1: On busway installations, fused switches
and circuit breakers shall be permitted to be located at the
same level as the busway. Suitable means shall be provided
to operate the handle of the device from the floor.
Exception No. 2: Switches and circuit breakers installed
adjacent to motors, appliances, or other equipment that
they supply shall be permitted to be located higher than 2.0
m (6 ft 7 in.) and to be accessible by portable means.
Exception No. 3: Hookstick operable isolating switches
shall be permitted at greater heights.
(B) Voltage Between Adjacent Devices. A snap switch
shall not be grouped or ganged in enclosures with other
snap switches, receptacles, or similar devices, unless they
are arranged so that the voltage between adjacent devices
does not exceed 300 volts, or unless they are installed in
enclosures equipped with identified, securely installed barriers
between adjacent devices.
(C) Multipole Snap Switches. A multipole, general-use
snap switch shall not be permitted to be fed from more than
a single circuit unless it is listed and marked as a twocircuit
or three-circuit switch, or unless its voltage rating is
not less than the nominal line-to-line voltage of the system
supplying the circuits.
Informational Note: See 210.7 for disconnect requirements
where more than one circuit supplies a switch.