tap conductors which rules apply

Hold on i am confused. In my case tap is outside and i have outside tap conductors coming into building. The total length of outside tap conductors + inside tap conductors is 12 feet. How come you all are saying i can use 25 feet rule?

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There is no location restriction on the use of the 25' tap rule. The outside tap rule does not need to be used just because part of the circuit is outside.
The only reason to use the outside tap rule is if your conductors would be over 25' and if they terminate either outside or inside, nearest the point of entry.
Hold on i am confused. In my case tap is outside and i have outside tap conductors coming into building. The total length of outside tap conductors + inside tap conductors is 12 feet. How come you all are saying i can use 25 feet rule?

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The actual wording of 240.21(B)(2) is "Taps NOT OVER 25ft Long"....which, as noted, is the situation in your case.
The vernacular is 25 ft tap rule.
Hold on i am confused. In my case tap is outside and i have outside tap conductors coming into building. The total length of outside tap conductors + inside tap conductors is 12 feet. How come you all are saying i can use 25 feet rule?

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Unlimited length is allowed on an outside tap. such tap can enter a building but must land at an overcurrent device nearest the point of entry which is basically same wording used for entry of service conductors - and for years NEC hasn't given any clear cut description of exactly what that is. Some jurisdictions are very strict on keeping the amount of entry very short, like 2, 3 maybe 5 feet of conductor max and some are rather loose with what they consider to be allowed here and may let you go as far as the 12 feet you mentioned.
There is no location restriction on the use of the 25' tap rule. The outside tap rule does not need to be used just because part of the circuit is outside.
The only reason to use the outside tap rule is if your conductors would be over 25' and if they terminate either outside or inside, nearest the point of entry.
There also is no 10 percent or one third the ampacity of the feeder overcurrent device restriction for outside feeder taps either, you could tap a 12 AWG from a 600 amp feeder if you wish but could not do this with the 10 or 25 foot tap rules.