Temp panel out living it's temp status.

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Senior Member
I think it's time for this bad boy to go....

Funny you should say that:

Funny things happened there today... No - the water lines are not bonded yet... Anyway the plumber was installing the valves there, and got sparks from the plumbing to the meter enclosure.... :roll: Hmmm.... Ground fault....

I'm not in charge there - otherwise the neutrals in each of the rough boxes would be taped off. And I would not have left the neutral to the feeder for a panel connected to the new main panel when the premise rough got temp'ed in via a site spider box. The result was 50% of the 23A unbalanced load going parallel through the plumbing via a EGC connection through metal framing behind where this picture was taken. So ~10A sparks at ~3VAC between the plumbing and main enclosure - a little tingle too. Quick to find and fix.... :roll:
Why are electricians such prima donnas????? Cant they roll with the flow and just do the task at hand? Oh yeah because they dont want to work for free. Silly Cow.
Why are electricians such prima donnas????? Cant they roll with the flow and just do the task at hand? Oh yeah because they dont want to work for free. Silly Cow.
Because Primadonna Gas and Electric (PG&E the local POCO) is 3 months or more out on pulling in the the new SEC's... And don't allow you to do it yourself to reserve this work solely for themselves as an act of self-preservation, and liability.
Because Primadonna Gas and Electric (PG&E the local POCO) is 3 months or more out on pulling in the the new SEC's... And don't allow you to do it yourself to reserve this work solely for themselves as an act of self-preservation, and liability.

I still prefer Pacific Graft & Extortion to refer to PG&E. :D
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