termitaing phone wires residential

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Senior Member

was wondering if there might be someone here that can answer a question that just irks me to no end :( Go there open the d mark and what do we find 4,5,6..... cat 5 wires brought in but 2 or 3 terminated. :eek: Their only resposibility is to thier termination at the d mark and that is why there are instructions on the inside cover,as a courtesy they might hook up the phone lines.Sorry for being long winded but this costs us a fortune over a years time.Service crew gas etc.

al hildenbrand

Senior Member
Electrical Contractor, Electrical Consultant, Electrical Engineer
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

I've helped clients who've switched telco service providers who've been at their wits end in trying to get their new phone service to work.

The new telco provider will yank their drop out of the old telco's demark, and install it in their new demark and walk away without connection the UTP at all. My clients have been told that they have to hire a specialist to connect the interior wiring.

I go out and install 2 feet of UTP. . .

And my clients are royally P O d at their new telco.

Weird business model.


Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

This is easy to solve and profitable too.State in your contract that unless the phone company has activated there box at the time you trim that you will return to hook them up at a price of $----.Nothing could be more fare than that.Either pay the phone company or pay you.What gets me is to not run a phone wire along with the cat 5 and terminate at a point where they could install a router and be near an outlet.This is the computer age


Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

I guess I have been very lucky in that the telco guys have always connected six , eight or ten lines no problem. I will cross my fingers that this continues. :D

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

I agree with Jim. Get it in writing, no warranty call.

I agree about the practice of pulling all phone home runs in Cat-5 to a given point in the house, and pulling a homerun outside to the demark. Effectively creates structured wiring at little more cost to us, and is a marketable point as a "standard".


Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

At a small additional charge you could be pulling a 2 pair phone and cat 5e (actually cat 6 is better now )at same time.No real extra work and they would gladly pay for it if they use computers.But too often the GC wants to offer a cheaper home so home buyer never gets the options.


EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

This became so extensive I called the southeast district operations manager to ask him why is this happening.

I can tell you why it's happening.

1) The TELCO is no longer responsible for anything after the demark. So that stuff about deregulation is true.

2) If you made it so that they could hook everything up without a lot of trouble maybe they would do you the favor.

Have you terminated all your runs individually down a 66 block at the right location or did you just bunch everything up in a big knot somewhere where you think the demarc will be and expect them to straighten it out? TELCO guys are not fond of CAT5 or God forbid CAT6 either with it's tight twists that will give them carpal tunnel if they work with it all day. Next time use CAT3 for voice.

Are all the jacks installed, are they the proper ones for voice and are they wired to the first two pairs? Do you know the color code? RJ-45's and data wiring standards will not do so leave the data stuff to the network.

This all goes back to what I have been preaching all along. If your installation is not what TELCO is used to they are going to walk away from it. On the other hand I have not seen one yet that wouldn't connect a pair for each line that I have given them from the cross connected home runs.



Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

What gets me is that when the customer calls the telco,the first question they are asked is.DO YOU HAVE INSIDE WIRING INSURANCE....That`s a $49.00 charge they have that if the customer has and they come out and hook up those unattached wires they won`t be charged a $45.00 service fee ;)


Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

Come on now Allen, there charge is no more than yours for a service call.You don't like doing it free and why should they.The choice is there for them to make.They can avoid this by turning on phone line a week early.


Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

Jim point being that the telco does the initial hook up tie wraps the ones they are not hooking up and charging to hook them up after service is started,Thats like me installing a fixture and not hooking it up and then saying well we installed it but you never said you wanted me to hook up the wires to make it work :D


EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

telco does the initial hook up tie wraps the ones they are not hooking up and charging to hook them up after service is started...

Did "mr./mrs/mss. happy home owner" tell them that all jacks were to be activated or do you expect them to use their crystal ball? Probably the jacks activated were the ones with phones plugged into them or happy homeowner told them that's were phones were going to go.

They are doing you a favor by doing any connection to begin with so quit complaining! It is the building owners responsibility to handle the inside wiring and connection to the demarc.

Apparently it was represented or implied by your organization to the homeowners that all they would have to do is plug in their phones once they set up service with the TELCO. If that is the agreement then it's YOUR responsibility to do whatever is necessary to make that happen.

What happened to "we are a company of 140 employees and we pride ourselves on customer relations"?



Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

Wait a minute if I pre wire for 10 vanity lights is it the homeowners resonsibility to make sure that 10 vanity lights are terminated ;) Come on 10 lines there doesnt take a rocket scientest to know hook up all 10.Especially when the first question asked is do you have inside wiring insurance ;)


EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

I really can't see why you are having such a problem understanding this simple concept. The TELCO has no responsibility other than to bring dialtone to the house. They do not have to connect any premises wiring.

By your thinking you should leave all your branch circuit home runs coiled up by the panel and expect the POCO to bring them into the panel and terminate them when they bring service to the house.

BTW are you related to that guy i spoke to that dismal day

No, I don't think so but we are a telephone interconnect company and know this is the way things are done. It's a simple fact of life that we will sometimes have to be there to connect service or do a cutover after or while the TELCO installs their demarc or terminal. They do their job then it's handed off to us.

Tell you what, you sub out the communications wiring to us and we will take care of having everything connected with the TELCO. :cool:



Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

Say, what you will, I prefer to own my own phones and wiring. Ma Bell used to lease their phones for $1.50/month, or they would sell you a colored shell for $75, but they still owned the guts. With modern technology and deregulation we have cell phones and cheap LD. I like it.

The Carterphone Co. developed an acoustic modem ages ago so they could send digital data without connecting directly to Bell's lines. Of course, Bell fought it. Their attorneys made the ridiculous claim that this acoustic coupler would damage their lines even it it were several feet from the handset. Bell lost this one.

Now modems are everywhere, and we connect them directly to the phone lines. Haven't fried a phone line yet.


Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

Everything depends on what you offered to do for the contracted price.If you contract to prewire for ceiling fans will you install them free since your already here ? Change what your offering to prewire and install jacks only,then your able to charge to hook them to the dmark.If you offered them full phone hook up to the dmark then you needed to figure in a man to make that extra trip.If they call you and say we now went to big orange and bought our fans will you go back out and hang them ? free ? You get what you pay for.I for one take care of all my own phone wires and jacks,get faster service that way (sometimes) ;)
The choice is the customers,they must pay somebody

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

I think the telephone company is balking at the idea of hooking up 10 stinkin' home runs. If you wire to a two gang box, and pull a Cat-5 to the demark from that box, I bet you the telco will hookup at least a pair, maybe all four. Problem solved.

I sure as hell wouldn't hook up ten sets of phone lines at the demark. Why do you expect them to? There's hardly any room! :D


Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential

I can remember back when the phone company did everything and all the wire and phones belonged to them.They even went so far as to prewire your house free.Yep them was the good old days.

luke warmwater

Senior Member
Re: termitaing phone wires residential


ETCON makes an inexpensive Cat5 punchdown block DD1 or Cat5e DD2 that would work wonders for your problem.

No bridge clips required, and color coded so that any of your installers should be able to handle it.

One homerun out to the Demark will almost always get hooked up. But 10, c'mon.
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