At least around here, and I suspect many other places, there were lines at the gas stations that had fuel back in the 70s. It would have been nice to just "refuel" at home.
hmmm, well, right after you wait your turn to get the eV power needed to refuel it in your garage.
Just wait. Cheap gasoline is a fleeting condition.
not exactly, its a gouging practice. you think for 1sec that the owners of oil will sit back and watch their profits dwindle because they still wish to gouge? nope, they simply drop their price, and at the rate EV's are being developed (painfully slow compared to other technologies/markets) the oil folks can easily keep pace with EV's, simply by lowering oil prices to keep oil looking more favorable. the less use of oil means the longer it will be around. and when i say "EV" i dont just mean the vehicle, i mean the whole thing (power plants, grid, distribution, stations, etc etc). and the night time issue still lingers because just as oil will be gone so will uranium, coal, nat gas, etc. EV vehicles are currently not viable until the whole thing is ready. with the big push from around the world to cut back on natural resource use, EV's will be novelty for decades.
someone should print this post, capsule it for your grand kids, and in say 70yrs from now let them open it to see if my view on things has changed at all, then have them bury it for another 70, so on and so on, then maybe 200-500 yrs from now the person reading can say "
completely wrong" or "
hmmm, spot on". i am ok with either.