the economy

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the last two and a half years i have seen the economy change here doing design build work mainly for investor and speculators the properies have not been turning. these range from office warehouse to medical office / retail.

now we are bidding work and can be low bid at time of bid against 2 or three others and not getting jobs, alot of keeping people honest?, match thier #?.

bis a montessori school referred by a bank, we were 2nd go round as they did not agree on terms with last GC, permit ready, looked good, bank turned down thier loan application, are now shopping numbers and banks. think there is alot more of this going on than we know.

the majority of the work going on here is government, schools, roads, infastucture, water ect., and it all has 100 bidders or more
Same ol song and dance here in Seattle. To many contractors not enough work. Our shop is going the service route, not a lot of new stuff going. I was at a public walk thru at the local fire dept, guess what so were 30 other guys. same same same . Hopefully praying helps, cause I have been doing my share.

Pray for Obama: Psalms 109 Verse 8

we were 2nd go round as they did not agree on terms with last GC, permit ready, looked good, bank turned down thier loan application, are now shopping numbers and banks. think there is alot more of this going on than we know.
You nailed it, this IS what's going on. The pressure for lower numbers will continue.
the majority of the work going on here is government, schools, roads, infastucture, water ect., and it all has 100 bidders or more

This shows how bad things would be if the government was not spending any money. The government is caught between a rock and a hard spot. Spend enough right now and maybe you can kick-start the economy (I doubt it but that seems to be the plan) but the cost is a bigger "in your face" bill comes due later in time (the D word, DEBT). The only way I know to get out of debt is to live below your means. Our economy will have to grow soooooo much to pay of the debt that I just don't see how we can do it. Deflating the currency so we can pay off current debt with cheaper dollars is one way (and seems to be the plan). The other way is to just default on the fiat currency (which seems to be a world problem).

This is very complicated and a world problem, not just a U.S. problem.
. Spend enough right now and maybe you can kick-start the economy (I doubt it but that seems to be the plan) but the cost is a bigger "in your face" bill comes due later in time (the D word, DEBT). The only way I know to get out of debt is to live below your means. Our economy will have to grow soooooo much to pay of the debt that I just don't see how we can do it.
This is very complicated and a world problem, not just a U.S. problem.

I'll be dead so I really don't care. :cool:

Here is the truth that you guys won't like. ;)

Most of the economists that I have heard advocate government spending now to jump start things. I tend to side with them over a bunch of electricians. :D
I'll be dead so I really don't care. :cool:
Serious, or just funning?

Here is the truth that you guys won't like. ;)

Most of the economists that I have heard advocate government spending now to jump start things. I tend to side with them over a bunch of electricians. :D

There are economists that lean the opposite direction.

Didn't you know, I'm a multi-talented person. Electrician, economist, philosopher, etc. etc. :)
I am in the city of Wheeling WV. I have been the electrical inspector for about 10 years. This has been the slowest it has ever been since I have been here. This is the first time that we currently have no new houses being built. The good news is that next year we will be having some larger commercial projects starting.

Bill Annett

I've been the electrical inspector for this city for just under 20 years. We're a city of about 200,000, we haven't sold 3000 permits this year and probably won't. Five years ago at this time we were over 8000.

I went for two week without an electrical inspection and 3 of those days we had no commercial inspections at all.
Half and half I guess. One half, yes I will be dead, the other half no I really don't care all that much. ;)

I only ask because my 80-year old father said the same thing last year when I was trying to discuss some of these issues with him and I found it rather selfish and self-centered to not give a thought to the generations that follow. He didn't like my position on his attitude.
Same ol song and dance here in Seattle. To many contractors not enough work. Our shop is going the service route, not a lot of new stuff going. I was at a public walk thru at the local fire dept, guess what so were 30 other guys. same same same . Hopefully praying helps, cause I have been doing my share.

Pray for Obama: Psalms 109 Verse 8


A word of advice...if you get rid of the 'twitch' in your neck, I bet you would get more work.:D
I have to ask, not in a smart ass way but for real. This topic keeps coming up as if it's new. What was the last year and a half like for you. :confused:
According to my accounting program I'm right in line with last year. The reality of it is I did practically nothing in the entire month of November. Good thing I joined Snap Fitness and had something to do with my time. I'm starting to bulk up though;)
If the powers to be had the answer, they would be working on it. Right now what they are trying is like throwing dust into a wind storm. No one has the right answer as of today. This issue is too large. Even with all of the warning signs that were coming our way, no one could foresee just how bad it much worse it is going to get. I do not believe the American public can understand just how long this is actually going to last either.
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