This Old House unsafe practice

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I like to watch the show "Holmes on Homes". From what I've seen he's on the other side of the scale. How many framers do you know that use only clear lumber, make sure that all the crowns go the same direction, use a level on every stud and screw every thing. You would go broke doing it that way.

So I watch his shows and see him doing all of this pristeen work, talking about doing things to code and then one day he is working on an apartment and uses mud rings only for the low voltage on a rated wall that also requires sound abaitment. Now I know he's up in Canada, but their codes aren't that much different than ours.
Another episode today listed "Gallant Electric" in the credits.

BTW: The electrician installed a light/fan unit. Is it normal to install a light/fan unit and run the insulated ducting too?? He taped the center of the ducting, pushed the insulated portion over it and said there you have it!!:confused:
...uses mud rings only for the low voltage on a rated wall that also requires sound abaitment.

Heh, that's the one thing I would have gotten correct! :grin:

Holmes on Homes is good - saw one today, a tile job he pretty much removed by hand. The tile had been set so poorly most of it was mastic/mortar-free, and could be reused.
Wow, watching those two up there was like seeing "Doofus and Deathwish Go to Hollywood". Don't TV stations have lawyers that determine liability risk? That whole scene was just crazy.
Unfortunately I must confess that the way Allen is cutting into the service drop is the way many electricians have been taught in this area. Especially the residential guys, it was like a rite of passage to cut in your first service. Does this make it right absolutely NOT, but alot of these guys aren't up on 70E and live work policies and only know what they know.

IMO TOH has lost its roots. It used to be a show on how the HO could renovate thier homes (back in the late 70's early 80's) during the early Bob Villa days. Somewhere along the way PBS decided to make it one of thier cash cows. PBS never had commercials in the old days the would say funding provided by xyz foundation or the national endowment of the who knows what but now all you see are commercials for chevy, HD,state farm insurance etc.
Of course, the very first TOH series was done without pulling a building permit at all. I have seen the theater, TV and film production folks do all kinds of crazy dangerous stuff without pulling permits or any of the other legal or safety niceties that regular craftspersons would regard as minimum requirements. Its a field that has an overabundance of testosterone enhanced cowboys as well.

I hope that the new ETCP electrician testing program becomes recognized as valid for licensing purposes. There are too many unqualified persons doing the work, and there is no reasonable path to education and licensure now.
Home shows lead residential customers to believe that everything, and every job can be completed in "30" minutes!:mad:

Yep had a HO question my time and labor on a service change out, with the response "I just saw this done on such and such show and they did it in 30 minute's" I had to laugh at that one, I said yea but it took them two weeks to film the show, maybe I didn't bid enough, he left me alone ever since:D
Another episode today listed "Gallant Electric" in the credits.

BTW: The electrician installed a light/fan unit. Is it normal to install a light/fan unit and run the insulated ducting too?? He taped the center of the ducting, pushed the insulated portion over it and said there you have it!!:confused:

Not defending the guy, but it Is, Television.

I'm sure there are all kinds of disclaimers and such that protect them from anyone following anything that they do. (none of which makes it right)

I haven't google searched to see if there have been any suits filed against them, though.
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