The closest it comes is that the use must be consistent with (not conflict with) any manufacturer's instructions which are part of the listing process.
I think his intention was both (or even all three in a three phase pane) being parallel to one another, connected to same point on one end, and not "in parallel" - as you have with multiple conductors joined at both ends to effectively create a larger capacity conductor.I'm trying to figure out what you mean by the panel being used as a 120v panel with both busses in parallel?
There are some Square D loadcenters that use the same cover on both single or three phase units. Cover doesn't tell you what is inside because it works on more than one assembly. The loadcenter has such label inside of it. They also use same covers and same cabinets for the commercial NQ and NF series panelboards - again any labeling specific to the panelboard itself is on the actual panelboard that gets installed in a somewhat universal cabinet and a somewhat universal cover goes on the front.I don't see how a 3 phase interior, and, a cover that states that what's inside the panel is 3 phase, when opened up, is actually not 3 phase,but a jury rigged single phase setup, would not be consistent, or a conflict with what the manufacturer's label indicates on the outside of the panel.
It's not?