time in the truck

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LawnGuyLandSparky said:
Exactly how does that work? Your helpers don't get a full weeks pay?

I would hope the apprentice at least gets a full days pay if he's on the job. Does it mean that a guy gets laid off, for instance, between 1PM and 3PM and then back on the clock. IMO no way to treat your help.
Whether people abide by the law is the question

Whether people abide by the law is the question

I understand that some employers break the law for a competitive advantage. I'm down with that, if you (as an employer) are willing to accept the moral and legal consequences of breaking the law.

Years ago, when this came up, I worked for a large shop that had, let's say, a "unique" interpretation of the breaks/travel part of the federal employment law. After I left that employer I turned him in. He paid over $80,000 in back wages and penalties - but that was probably a drop in the bucket compared to what he squeezed out of his employees over the years, because the back wages only go back two years.

During the investigation period, he told his employees that "nothing has changed" and they did breaks/travel the same way. After the first claim was settled, his employees turned him in again, and got another wad of money.

After that, the Feds required that he have a time clock, and everyone got paid off of those records - problem solved.
kbatku said:
It all boils down to what you are willing to put up with as an employee - what level of abuse, intimidation and disregard you are comfortable with. There is always another job waiting around the corner - probably with better pay and a more agreeable boss.


It also boils down to what level of incompetence, unreliability, and dishonesty your employer is comfortable with.:smile:
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
Exactly how does that work? Your helpers don't get a full weeks pay?

They don't work a full week. We pay for training, heath and work comp. If they want to set at the job and learn from the NEC or one of Mike Holt's books then they get training pay. We plan the week so they know what days they can have in the field. The more one studies the more he or she gets to stay on full days and weeks. We don't take them to a job and then tell them to go home an hour later. They stay a full day. So we plan conduit runs and wire pulling for a couple of assistants and Rough out and cold work for another.

Here in NM an assistant getting 12 an hour is great wages and 32 or more hours is better than McDs anytime.
Reading thru these posts, it sure seems the "team" spirit has a hard time existing between employer and employee.

I think a good employer can get good employees and good employees can find good employers. So if you think (either as an employer or employee) that you are not getting enough for your efforts, maybe the answer is in the mirror?
hardworkingstiff said:
Reading thru these posts, it sure seems the "team" spirit has a hard time existing between employer and employee.

I think a good employer can get good employees and good employees can find good employers. So if you think (either as an employer or employee) that you are not getting enough for your efforts, maybe the answer is in the mirror?

Well said.
kid_stevens said:
They don't work a full week. We pay for training, heath and work comp. If they want to set at the job and learn from the NEC or one of Mike Holt's books then they get training pay. We plan the week so they know what days they can have in the field. The more one studies the more he or she gets to stay on full days and weeks. We don't take them to a job and then tell them to go home an hour later. They stay a full day. So we plan conduit runs and wire pulling for a couple of assistants and Rough out and cold work for another.

Here in NM an assistant getting 12 an hour is great wages and 32 or more hours is better than McDs anytime.

You said you take them off the clock. And you pay for training. Are your helpers getting a weeks pay every week or not?
What I mean is they get a day off from scheduled work when they are not needed. If they want to come in anyway and study then they get paid for studying. So they can work a full week in some form most weeks. Motivation to become a Journeyman is what we are looking for by offering training when there is no work. So no show means no career ladder. Here too many employees disappear when the paycheck comes on Friday. We don't see them again until their paycheck runs out. By then they don't have a job.

My little company is busy but not 5 personnel full time busy. We are 3 person busy most everyday. So training them is how I compensate and keep them off the street.
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kid_stevens said:
What I mean is they get a day off from scheduled work when they are not needed. If they want to come in anyway and study then they get paid for studying. So they can work a full week in some form most weeks. Motivation to become a Journeyman is what we are looking for by offering training when there is no work. So no show means no career ladder. Here too many employees disappear when the paycheck comes on Friday. We don't see them again until their paycheck runs out. By then they don't have a job.

My little company is busy but not 5 personnel full time busy. We are 3 person busy most everyday. So training them is how I compensate and keep them off the street.
So who oversees the training?Do they get paid less for this training or is at the regular rate.In our state I need to work people a minimum # of hours or they can claim unemployment which costs me.Our state does not allow for dual pay rates.
time in truck

time in truck

I had a service truck I took home with me. My time started when I hit the door of the first call, and stopped when I got in the truck to go home. My apprentice got the same. On emergency calls, which is a benefit to the boss by us having the truck at home, my time started when I got the call, and ended when I crawled back into bed. All our work is commercial work, and no one ever had a problem with travel time. If I left a call at 10:00, that is when my time started for the next call. That is just how business is done in our nations capital!
prh1700 said:
I had a service truck I took home with me. My time started when I hit the door of the first call, and stopped when I got in the truck to go home. My apprentice got the same. On emergency calls, which is a benefit to the boss by us having the truck at home, my time started when I got the call, and ended when I crawled back into bed. All our work is commercial work, and no one ever had a problem with travel time. If I left a call at 10:00, that is when my time started for the next call. That is just how business is done in our nations capital!

This is they way it's done all over, but the trend I'm seeing seems to be, that when you're living/ working in "the sticks" not only is you pay lower (understandable) but flagrant violations in labor law are broken on a whim.
hardworkingstiff said:
Reading thru these posts, it sure seems the "team" spirit has a hard time existing between employer and employee.

I think a good employer can get good employees and good employees can find good employers. So if you think (either as an employer or employee) that you are not getting enough for your efforts, maybe the answer is in the mirror?

I can not of the top of my head name the law but will research it but the government does not want us to be a team the laws dictate an adversarial approach to the relationship..What a dumb idea..the businesses that survive and grow are employee owned and family owned the other ones are strictly corporations with no moral values just all about profit and sooner or later they will find them selves in trouble with the government..just watch the news and sooner then later there is some major corporation in trouble and they are not employee owned or family owned..
The training in office is done on one of my computers in a Filemaker Pro Database I set up. Field book training is done by assigning them sections of the NEC to learn. Usually the section is where it pertains to the job we are on. I keep a really well marked, tabbed and noted copy of the NEC in my truck that they can use if they want to.

I also after they have learned enough usable knowledge tell them to try Mike Holt's Journeyman tests. That is a real ego deflator when they get cocky.
prh1700 said:
I had a service truck I took home with me. My time started when I hit the door of the first call, and stopped when I got in the truck to go home. My apprentice got the same. On emergency calls, which is a benefit to the boss by us having the truck at home, my time started when I got the call, and ended when I crawled back into bed. All our work is commercial work, and no one ever had a problem with travel time. If I left a call at 10:00, that is when my time started for the next call. That is just how business is done in our nations capital!

The same when I worked for Marconi Communications and AT&T a model I will follow when I get big enough.
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