Yeah CIC seems like the best way to go in situations like this. IVe only tried to get CIC a few times Once was for a very unorthodox custom step up step down system at 2.4kv using (2) 5KV airport lighting conductors and a single 600V neutral (MGN with two separately metered supplies). This was 4 years ago and the project didnt end up happening but I did get a quote for the custom CIC run of about 4000 feet and it was definitely a no brainer to use the CIC.
Last year I tried to get some 15KV CN URD in CIC but I couldnt find it (thought it would be a common stock item as I have seen utilities use it) and no one seemed willing to run it. You get into long runs that are too long for a single pull and either have to use hand holes, direct bury (with protection such as sand if necessary), or sleave conduit over it. On the 15KV job we ended up sleaving 1.5" PVC over it, 1700 feet. Sounds worse than it is. You start at each end so only have to go 850 feet to the middle, and it gets 40-50 feet shorter every time.