Underground RMC as an Electrode? pandoras box?

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That isn't occupied by a steel mill?


any questions?
How do you know conduit will STAY buried????? Sounds like a good place for a UFER.... (in piers holding the building up)

You know, when I moved here about 25 years ago, I would have never thought that they would not use pier or piling type foundation, but they don't:-? just regular 4' deep foundations, some go a little wider on the footer, or use a slab, but that is it.:confused:

when we can we do use ufer but Indiana only requires it "if available" so it's not a mandatory requirement here, to much to coordinate for the builder I guess:roll:

But we have lost many houses because of the moving dunes, but for the most part the National Lake Shore Park has purchased most of the land and houses as the one in the photo, so it's not as much a problem any more.

We did have a house back in the 70's that was buried, and about 3 years ago it un-buried itself when the dune moved off it, the inside was still the way the home owner left it when they moved to Florida, furniture and all, the park now owns it.
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