Underground wiring

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Senior Member
Re: Underground wiring

"If you are talking to me" all I am trying to clear up is that NM cable cannot be ran underground by itself nor in a underground conduit because then the cable would be in a wet location ( which is not allowed), this was in response to the post prior to my previous one.

tom baker

First Chief Moderator
Staff member
Re: Underground wiring

Ryan that is correct it was a mistake from the CMP, I heard that at a IAEI sectional meeting from **** Lyod. He said we made a mistake, it should of been the other way around, and we hope it doesn't cause any problems.


Senior Member
Re: Underground wiring

Let me add a bit to the discussion without taking sides.

People on the various Code Making Panels have very different views on some issues. There are also those who are defending their turf. For instance, the steel tube guys may be pushing this proposal so they can sell more steel conduit, the plastics people will be pushing a different proposal so they can sell more PVC and the cable guy is trying to get a third proposal passed to use more NM. All three proposals may be good for the industry but they are all fighting for their own product and have different opinions.

Whenever it comes to safety, they will all back off and not push something that is not safe.

The bottom line is that a panel member's opinion is just that, his opinion. Even when I am giving my opinion about something on Panel 10, it is still just my opinion. :D


Senior Member
Re: Underground wiring

Tom, the name is Richard Loyd and he represents the steel tube industry. Richard is one of the sharpest guys in the industry and has authored at least one book on raceways. :D

I have edited my post because I just found out that the nickname for Richard will not display. That is what happened to Tom's post. I made the assumption that Tom had forgotten his first name.

[ May 09, 2004, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: charlie ]


Esteemed Member
Re: Underground wiring

Can anyone define underground? In the ground works for me, underground don't compute.


Senior Member
Re: Underground wiring

see article 300.5 in the 2002 code book that might help you out and give you some ideas.


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: Underground wiring

Originally posted by brentp:
Heat dissapation has to do with EVERY conductor. Why not do a little more derating if I want to put uf in a raceway? Why just not allow it?
The NEC actually goes the other way and allows a multi conductor cable assembly to occupy 53% of the "Cross Section" of a conduit verses 40% 0f the "Cross Section" of a conduit permitted for single conductors.



Senior Member
Re: Underground wiring

I would find it hard to believe a single nm or uf would get hotter in a piece of conduit than it would stapled to a stud packed with insulation in a wall, after all insulation is in the walls to prevent heat disipation.


Re: Underground wiring

What are the seventeen words we cannot say here?
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