Recently I wired a 2 unit apt house.I roughed in first and second apts and had them inspected.The GC paid me the agreed installment.I then proceeded to device both apts as soon as they were sheetrocked.I told the GC to bring the lights and I could call for a final.He said the lights would be there soon.After 4 months and no lights , I told him to pay me.He said he finished the wiring himself and would only pay me part of our contract installment.Just to collect some of the money owed me,I agreed to accept the partial,but told him I would not call for a final in my name.I also told him I was going to inform the city elect. insp.I told him his tenants would probably be asked to leave until a licenced electrician took responsability to check GCs work and got it inspected.Under those terms , he refused to pay me anything,so I filled breach of contract with magistrate,and GC settled out of court for 70% of what he owed me.A friend of mine asked me if he could check GCs work and call for final under his name.My friend probably charged the GC more than the GC owed me.If you give these rats an inch they'll take a mile.