Unusual Wiring Request

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From what I have researched this is true. You don't need expansion couplings, if you worry about anything it is the tree growing outward over the pipe. I installed 3 500 watt halogens at the top of a tree about 6 years ago on my property. This is a very tall tree that moves quite a bit. I used RMC underground and transferred to EMT to go up the tree. I decided to pull a wire EGC in case movement loosened any EMT couplings but I check often and they never have shown any signs of loosening. The bark has begun to encroach the two hole straps I used slightly. But it doesn't worry me a bit. :happyno:

Someday, when the EMT is no longer visible and the tree needs cut down whoever does so will not be happy when they hit that steel tubing with their chain saw. :cool:
This must be an awesome treehouse. I would do the job no problem. The treehouse will probably fall apart before your install does.
A few blocks from me there is a mailbox mounted to a tree on a main street. The mailbox is about 25-30 feet in the air!
This must be an awesome treehouse. I would do the job no problem. The treehouse will probably fall apart before your install does.
A few blocks from me there is a mailbox mounted to a tree on a main street. The mailbox is about 25-30 feet in the air!

That mailbox must be for Air Mail. The mailbox was not mounted at 52" above

grade then grow with the tree. Trees don't grow like that.
Just to underscore the issue of wiring near trees:

When I lived in Waco, we renovated the city zoo and ran conduit up the tree for illumination. The only requirement was the city wanted the conduit to be Schedule 80 PVC. They said it would allow a bit of "give" in the event of high winds. The job went well, the zoo was happy, and it still stands attached to this day
Just to underscore the issue of wiring near trees:


That is a very common sight here in Michigan. The POCO sure doesn't go out on a limb to remove them, that's for sure.

Don't you ever wonder what happens to them? Are they just left there until they rot off and fall to the ground? (If it's not grounded, it's not dead).

Does just cutting the ends off mean it's no longer a branch circuit?
Yes! There is a sign that says air mail on it. What does that mean? some kind of joke?

We have the exact same thing a few miles from here. I checked your location to see if we were talking about the same thing but we're not.
That is a very common sight here in Michigan. The POCO sure doesn't go out on a limb to remove them, that's for sure.

Don't you ever wonder what happens to them? Are they just left there until they rot off and fall to the ground? (If it's not grounded, it's not dead).

Does just cutting the ends off mean it's no longer a branch circuit?

Something tells me that is a guy wire in that log, but I do like your humor.
We have snow and forests and trees and all that kind of stuff in AZ. Phoenix is in the middle of the desert.

Some of the best skiing in the world is at Sunrise in the White Mountains.

My cabin is in Prescott @ 6500'

We have snow and forests and trees and all that kind of stuff in AZ. Phoenix is in the middle of the desert.

Some of the best skiing in the world is at Sunrise in the White Mountains.

My cabin is in Prescott @ 6500'


I believe you, just don't try to tell us you took that picture this morning before you had any coffee.:)
How about using "low voltage landscape lighting" for the tree house. You could mount the transformer at the base of the tree and run "low voltage" cable up the tree to the lights. Most of these systems are 12 volts (very safe) and very flexable for mounting and any movement.
How about using "low voltage landscape lighting" for the tree house. You could mount the transformer at the base of the tree and run "low voltage" cable up the tree to the lights. Most of these systems are 12 volts (very safe) and very flexable for mounting and any movement.

Customer wants a receptacle and light.
Regarding my picture of the log that had grown around the cable .... yes, that is a guy wire in the picture.

Not that it matters; there are many places in my yard where trees have grown around the much weaker wires of the chain-link fence. I even ahve a pic of a tree that grew around a piece of 2" rigid! I'll bet someone here has a pic of a tree that grew around Romex, etc. That's what trees do!

So ... in wiring the treehouse, I'd give serious thought to mounting some "data" D-rings and dropping an SO cord through them down to a receptacle; someone yanks on the cord and it unplugs- I like that idea.
we have a tree mounted fixture that was installed when I was a kid. it not longer works. the tree grew around the UF and it looks unsightly. it was sleeved in EMT.
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