Well that was depre$$ing

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Just to get the terms straight. What have the guys who do side jobs that are different from their regular jobs being labeled now-a-days (say an electrician who does residential as a side job but works full-time for an EC who only does commercial)?
mivey said:
There are some EC's who have too much wasted time and can't figure out why ends won't meet. This is the other side of accounting for non-billable hours. If you have calculated a certain amount of billable hours and can't get there, you have either underestimated, or are suffering from a lack of productivity. No insults, just the truth.

As emahler also pointed out, you can't just compare a quoted rate without knowing what is behind the number and how that number is used.

Now stop being so sensitive, insulting, and childish.:smile:

I still don't think you have any business sense. But you do a great job of quoting emahler, who sounds like he does have business sense. So at least you have that going for you. No insults, just the truth.:smile:
That is exactly the case for me in my situation. I have personally given the company leads on nice commercial jobs and will continue to do so because it helps the company i work for out. Also will promote and push the company name out to anyone i come across.
powerslave said:
I still don't think you have any business sense. But you do a great job of quoting emahler, who sounds like he does have business sense. So at least you have that going for you. No insults, just the truth.:smile:
No PWI allowed. Come back tomorrow.:grin:


mivey said:
Just to get the terms straight. What have the guys who do side jobs that are different from their regular jobs being labeled now-a-days (say an electrician who does residential as a side job but works full-time for an EC who only does commercial)?
That would be what many here call a "sideworker"! The concern also is the fact that "sideworkers" keep cost driven down!!
ItsHot said:
That would be what many here call a "sideworker"! The concern also is the fact that "sideworkers" keep cost driven down!!
No doubt about it. But it is the same problem with many industries and will always be something a regular business owner will have to contend with.

You have to sell a better product. You can charge more for your services if the customer believes they are getting a better product. If you are a quality business, most of the time you will have a better product.

Unfortunately, there are some customers who are only concerned with the bottom dollar. These will not necessarily be your best customers in the long run anyway.
mivey said:
Just to get the terms straight. What have the guys who do side jobs that are different from their regular jobs being labeled now-a-days (say an electrician who does residential as a side job but works full-time for an EC who only does commercial)?

Now I think I'm starting to understand it. You are an engineer that does electrical sidework. Sorry for the mistake.:smile:
Texhunter7 said:
That is exactly the case for me in my situation. I have personally given the company leads on nice commercial jobs and will continue to do so because it helps the company i work for out. Also will promote and push the company name out to anyone i come across.

Fine if you promote the company for commercial jobs, but is that because you won't do comm. jobs yourself on the side?

Try imagining being the owner of your company. You are paying your employees so much an hour, as well as some bennies (let's say 2 weeks paid vacation, medical & dental insurance). In order to pay for that, you need to charge so much per hour to stay afloat.

Now along comes a side-liner, who doesn't care about getting 2 weeks vacation because it's just a one-time job for some builder. He doesn't need to figure in any medical or dental insurance costs either. Why? He gets that through his employer. So he can do the job for less than you can.

So you end up, in effect, subsidizing someone who is (potentially) taking work away from you.
Texhunter7 said:
Well i personally won't keep on posting on this subject anymore, it is just not worth it to keep on going on to what is left of the carcass after the shark attack.
Don't be frustrated. Stick around and stand up for what you believe. If you are self-confident, it does not matter if others agree with you or what they say about you. You may learn something. You may teach others something. It is just a forum.
powerslave said:
Now I think I'm starting to understand it. You are an engineer that does electrical sidework. Sorry for the mistake.:smile:
Bzzzz. Another mistake. Back of the line. Try again tomorrow. You have too many mistakes piling up tonight.:smile:

[PS: my question was because I don't keep up with the latest labels that are being used for who does what as it is only a passing interest as I don't put much stock in labels (sidejobbers, simpletons, trunk-slammers, etc)]
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mivey said:
Don't be frustrated. Stick around and stand up for what you believe. If you are self-confident, it does not matter if others agree with you or what they say about you. You may learn something. You may teach others something. It is just a forum.

Absolutly. Don't think we're here to try to beat you into submission.
powerslave said:
No. I think I hit it dead on.;)
Do you think you can really evaluate someone based on a few posts and some silly assumptions on your part? Your thoughts are being clouded by your dark side.:wink:

As for what I think, I think you no more care what I think than I do what you think as it has just been a diversion on a slow post period.

I do think we have wasted enough time with this nonsense.:cool:
mivey said:
Do you think you can really evaluate someone based on a few posts and some silly assumptions on your part? Your thoughts are being clouded by your dark side.:wink:


As for what I think, I think you no more care what I think than I do what you think as it has just been a diversion on a slow post period.

I do think we have wasted enough time with this nonsense.:cool:

Agreed. Have a good night.:smile:
Texhunter7 said:
I do not really understand why a person cannot mention sidework on here, if you care to explain.
I don't think it is prohibited.

Some posters think it is somehow immoral or inappropriate because these guys don't have some of the expenses the bigger guys have, and sometimes the side jobbers are not in complete compliance with the law regarding who can perform electrical work.

My guess is that they have little effect on the larger ECs. They just don't have the capacity to do enough work to compete with those guys, and much of what they are doing is probably stuff the bigger guys don't really want anyway.
petersonra said:
I don't think it is prohibited.

Some posters think it is somehow immoral or inappropriate because these guys don't have some of the expenses the bigger guys have, and sometimes the side jobbers are not in complete compliance with the law regarding who can perform electrical work.

My guess is that they have little effect on the larger ECs. They just don't have the capacity to do enough work to compete with those guys, and much of what they are doing is probably stuff the bigger guys don't really want anyway.

I don't really care about side work one way or another, it is the American way and it is how I started out as did many here


Certain people who are members of certain organizations that expressly forbid side work in exchange for good wages and benefits still go out and do sidework in violation of their own rules.....

That I have a HUGE problem with and it goes far deeper than sidework
electricmanscott said:
Certain people who are members of certain organizations that expressly forbid side work in exchange for good wages and benefits still go out and do sidework in violation of their own rules.....

That I have a HUGE problem with and it goes far deeper than sidework

I could not agree more and they will be the first to raise a stink if the company they work for violates the smallest contractual obligation.
electricmanscott said:
Certain people who are members of certain organizations that expressly forbid side work in exchange for good wages and benefits still go out and do sidework in violation of their own rules.
What orgnaization are we talking about here?

And just how could they posisbly enforce such a rule legally?
petersonra said:
What orgnaization are we talking about here?

And just how could they posisbly enforce such a rule legally?

I think it is called a contract.

As for me If one of my guys is doing side work I don't care as long as it is not from a customer of mine. That will get you fired.
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