I think my last question before I bury this dead horse. I think I have most of this straight in my mind as to how I am going to do it.
I have always thought the GEC had to terminate at the first means of disconnect. It would be easier to terminate at the garage panel in this case. The following code article doesn't seem clear to me on exactly where it can terminate. It just says the EGC must be connected to the GEC.
From 2017 NEC because I don't have easy copy and paste capability from the 2008:
(1) Supplied by a Feeder or Branch Circuit. An equipment grounding conductor, as described in 250.118, shall be run
with the supply conductors and be connected to the building or structure disconnecting means and to the grounding electrode(s). The equipment grounding conductor shall be used for grounding or bonding of equipment, structures, or frames required to be grounded or bonded. The equipment grounding conductor shall be sized in accordance with 250.122. Any installed grounded conductor shall not be connected to the equipment grounding conductor or to the grounding electrode(s).