what is the correct way to hook up a generator

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Re: what is the correct way to hook up a generator

On a side note here, many of you wonder why people back feed a panel for a generator. Well today I was at the supply house (Electrical Supply House, not Lowes or Home Depot) and there was a DIY in front of me looking at a transfer panel for a generator. He was complaining about the price and the sales person stated, "I don't know why you really want to buy one of these, most electricians simply buy a two pole breaker and backfeed the panel, you just have to remember to turn the main breaker off." After the customer left (Yes he purchased the two pole breaker) I talked to the sales person about this. He stated he new it was a violation of NEC, but went on to say that most licensed EC's do this, especially on their own houses and many EC's have told him that transfer switches are a waste of money for residential jobs! While I don't agree with this, I just wanted to point out how this is a good example of why people get into the backfeeding method.
Re: what is the correct way to hook up a generator

Maybe i am off base here but would it not seem wise that linemen would assume a generator might be backfeeding and safeguard themselfs ? Far to many stories of this happening after a hurricane.The guy was stating something that i have had fellow electricians tell me they do themselves.I did not want to risk killing anyone so i built what i was told some mfg make to do this.When i asked about anything available they just looked at me funny.All that is needed is a way to mechanically prevent main and gen being both on.
Re: what is the correct way to hook up a generator

Originally posted by stud696981:
...the sales person stated, "I don't know why you really want to buy one of these, most electricians simply buy a two pole breaker and backfeed the panel, you just have to remember to turn the main breaker off."...
Gotta love the ever-helpful guys chock-full of bad advice! :)
Re: what is the correct way to hook up a generator

This supply house normally doesn't give advice either. I think the problem here was the fact that this counter guy has heard a lot of licensed electricians doing this so in his opinion this was ok since these other guys do this and they are licensed.

It's kind of like an inspector calling out a violation that you have been doing for years. Just because you were trained by a licensed EC doesn't always mean everything you do is right.
Re: what is the correct way to hook up a generator

Does'nt anyone think that a generator can be used for more than power at Joe's house. Many businesses that are necessary for the public don't have back-up generators. If you can get a lage generator on site in time to save the milk , meat,medicine even ice. Do you really think everyone is going to hook up a transfer switch for a piece of equipment that may only be in use for a few days ( temporary ). The utilities get "disconnected" and power restored as quickly as possible. The purpose of a transfer switch is to make sure that the utilities are not back-fed. Some of the Florida power companies tell you this is not the best option but please to open main breaker ( I say disconnect power cables ). At a home you are not likely to encounter a real emergengy unless someone has severe medical problems and can't be moved. I have never needed to hook up a house to an emergency generator. If it's a back up generator you have plenty of time to get the correct materials, if it's a matter of money the cheap ba_____ can stay in the dark.
Re: what is the correct way to hook up a generator

i just did one in cape coral fl.for a friend of mine,"TRANSVER SWITCH,THE ONLY WAY TO GO"allthough my buddy had to get up early and be at home depot when they opened,the day they came in,10 circiut was 300.00,and it took me all of 2 hours to do,he loves the piece of mind it gives him,
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