What is your business card title?

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Master Electrician

Used cars; Jurys bribed; Underwater welding; Elections rigged; Basket weaving classes; Marriages arranged.
Alright, it's decided. I'm going with..............

"And The Funky Bunch":D

Actually I think I'm going to forgo a title on this batch of cards. I may make some up in the future with "President" once there is more than just one employee in the company.
Here is a scan of my card. No prank calls please. :D

I'll second that.


get your email set up to your web address....i.e. service@code-electric.com....makes life easier.

what we used to do, when I was in the field running service calls, I was titled "Service Technician"....my current title is "Operations Manager"....

both always gave me an out...."sorry, but I gotta talk to the boss"...then I'd go sit in the truck, talk to myself, and come back in with the answer...

people will usually push the 'president' or 'owner' for a better price/discount/etc...
As I'm about to retire, I'm thinking about having a batch of cards printed up with just my name and "Executive Story Teller". Pretty much says it all.
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