I call them RS covers old steelcity name
2 gang double decor raised 1900 cover
As others have said, we also call them "RS" covers as in "Raised Surface". Looks like you have a "RS" cover for a "1900" or a "11B" (4 11/16" box) Double Decora. Sooooooooo.....you would order a "RS 1900 (or 11B) Double Decor".....:thumbsup:Is there a name for the surface box covers where the receptacle or switch mounts to the cover instead of mounting to the box?
Like this:
View attachment 11874
I'd like to spec. these for unfinished areas without calling them "those surface mounted device covers where the device fastens to the cover."
In my area all the supply houses call them as "raised industrial covers".
+2 shortened to Indy Covers when I ask for them at the supply house.+1
that's what i've always called them.