What type of mileage do you get in your vehicle?

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Pullnwire said:
I have an 06 chevy crew cab with an enclosed service body and the duramax diesel.

I always liked pickups with service bodies or caps. You get the best of both worlds...the luxury and comfort of a pickup plus the option of 4 WD, while being able to work out of it. However, I know the cap or service bodies are not as versatile as a van body, and caps don't have nearly as much room as a van.
I love service bodys especially when there enclosed. The doors on the side are very convienent for tools and regularly used items. But for me they seem a bit bulky for residential/commercial. If I ever need something large I have it delivered to the site.
peter d said:
I always liked pickups with service bodies or caps. You get the best of both worlds...the luxury and comfort of a pickup plus the option of 4 WD, while being able to work out of it.

You can get a chevy express van with 4 WD
Mine gets decent, that being about 16mpg. We have several others that average around 12. We have one truck that gets 4mpg on deisel. We started adding fuel surcharges back when gasoline went to $3.00 a gallon.

I just noticed last week they have a new total electric sports car. Tesla Motors, the car looks sharp, runs nice. Go check out the website at teslamotors.com. I really hope things are just around the corner to install this type of engine in an average vehicle. Such as say a small work truck.
bikeindy said:
You can get a chevy express van with 4 WD

I know, but I would much rather have a pickup with all the bells and whistles than a plain ole van with 4WD. Let's face it, there are not many upgrades you can get with a van like you can get with a p/u.
peter d said:
Sounds like a great candidate for the junkyard.

It's a digger truck that weighs 35,000 lbs, we get $125 an hour plus mileage for it. We just have to make really sure that we only drive it when necessary. The replacement costs for it would be more than we care to spend. It would be nice to have a newer one that got 10mpg, but then that cost's around 250k. Us poor folk have to make do with what we got.
peter d said:
I know, but I would much rather have a pickup with all the bells and whistles than a plain ole van with 4WD. Let's face it, there are not many upgrades you can get with a van like you can get with a p/u.

Really I think you can do a lot more to a van than a PU.
Not truck related, but more salescall related, I noticed that my daily driver ('00 Continental) says on the dash computer that it's getting 24.3 MPG average. Not too shabby for a pretty big V8 in an 8 year old car, I think.
mdshunk said:
Not truck related, but more salescall related, I noticed that my daily driver ('00 Continental) says on the dash computer that it's getting 24.3 MPG average. Not too shabby for a pretty big V8 in an 8 year old car, I think.

Funny you mention that, my brother has an '00 Crown Vic with the same V8 (presumably.) It used to be mine before that, but I don't remember getting mileage nearly that good.
peter d said:
Funny you mention that, my brother has an '00 Crown Vic with the same V8 (presumably.) It used to be mine before that, but I don't remember getting mileage nearly that good.
I drive like a Grandma, so that might help. I seldom even get up to 65 on the highway. Fifty-five is plenty fast.
mdshunk said:
I drive like a Grandma, so that might help. I seldom even get up to 65 on the highway. Fifty-five is plenty fast.

I am doing 65 about half way down the ramp, I like to merge right in. If you drove 55 around here you might get shot. I think they start handing out tickets at 80 even though the speed "limit" is 55.
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