We just repalced a failed breaker in our 40-year old Zinsco panel because it would not reset. Except for a small amount of bluegreen corrosion (not powdery white aluminum oxide) on the edge of one of the contacts, it was clean as a whistle. Replacement breakers are widely available, although expensive.
The first electrician we brought in wanted 2 hr labor (@ $95/hr) and $200 for the replacement part, whined about having to special order it from far far away, etc, then stormed off when we refused to accept his $400 estimate. I bought the part myself at the local Ace for $68 (could have mailordered it for $40 at homedepot.com), and then hired another electrician to do 1 hr labor to install. The local Ace has a wide variety of Zinsco-type breakers, probably because so many houses are of a certain age in our town; we don't have houses burning down all over the place.
Don't be intimidated into replacing a whole panel if the one you have is clean and dry, and has adequate capacity. We live in California where it's nice and dry most of the year. Our house isn't that big and 100A service is all we need for now.