When to speak up

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I saw the GJS comment above and couldn't believe it. If my helper brought up a code violation to me. I would either fix it or explain why it is not a violation to do it that way. We are there to teach and lead by example. Cutting corners has been going on for a long time and alot of people in the trade feel it is okay not to do things. I don't wire things in violation just because it is not "life threatening" or it has past inspection before. I have met alot of people that THINK they know how to do things and do not have a clue. They will have a alot of violations, maybe they are the simple ones, not "life threatening" but still a violation that show a lack of BASIC skills. Dont worry about the "BUS"; throw him under it if he doesn't listen or explain, and the boss shouldn't tolerate short cuts either. I asked Inspectors plenty of things I thought were wrong when I first started. I was not scared and I learned alot; showed them I was looking to do it right too.
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