Note: I posted this after reading the first 54 comments incl one of my own
Note: I posted this after reading the first 54 comments incl one of my own
peter d said:
Yes, it is.
a great country that is
It tends to bother me that money is eventually going to ruin this country. Somebody mentioned in an earlier comment about corporations tailoring your purchasing needs. Same thing with big grocery stores. Their goal is to eventually have us buying the same stuff so that it will be cheaper for the corporation to produce/manufacture, ship, and stock their products. Hopefully the human element will save us but it never hurts to consider these things before they get out of control.
Ironically it reminds me of how my mother explained why Russia and Communism were so bad. This conversation took place in the 80's during the height of the Cold War:
Me: "Why do we hate Russia?"
Mom: "Because they are Communists."
Me: "Why is that bad?"
Mom: "Well, would you want to have no freedom? If we were like Russia we would all wear the same color clothes, drive the same cars and live in the same kind of buildings. Nobody would be themselves and there would be no variety. Variety is what makes life interesting."
Consider that last sentence and apply it to the subject of this forum and our responses to each other. Point is, even your supply houses are in business to reap the most profit. Research Granite City Electric in Boston if you're bored. They were/are a pretty good supply house to begin with. Recently they hooked up with the Red Sox and then the New England Patriots. Talk about your cash cows.
I really appreciate this forum as it is closely regulated and far less likely to go the way of your typical internet forums. (again with the irony)
Also, since we are all electricians it is much easier to have faith in the intelligence of us all. :wink: