Thanks Jim, I was just about to point that out myself. Two things moving away from a center are NOT going in "a positive direction".Why I believe you do in the next few sentences.
Could you please site reference material that describes both to and from as indicating a single direction?
"Away" and "Toward" the neutral is not a valid choice.Who in the world has said they move in two different directions at the same time? What is critical to understand is how we define direction. I contend that there are two valid ways to define the direction because the voltage can produce forces in two valid directions.
ooo, here we go again. As that little coulomb of charge passes the neutral it magically goes from moving in a positive to a negative motion. Nonsense.See? There it is. What direction are you talking about? One option says the positive direction is defined as one linear direction across both windings (one way or the other), the other says the positive direction is directed from or to the neutral. I have shown circuits and generator sources that show both are valid.
It's a given, not a choice. It's the physical reality of the circuit. At any given instance the voltage increases in one and only one direction across the length of the secondary coil. At any given instance the current moves in one and only one direction across the length of the secondary coil. At any given instance the power flows in one and only one direction across the length of the secondary coil.That is one option. It is a choice, not a given.
Lol, they're moving IN-PHASE, IN-SYNC, and IN THE SAME DIRECTION as that little charge in the middle. They are NOT moving either "towards" or "away" from "it" unless you're going to claim your nose is moving away from you when you walk while your backside is moving towards you.Really? What about the one little coulomb charge in the middle of the winding? Are the other charges all moving towards it or away from it? Review basic physics before answering.
Which is why your arguments are really suffering here. They all depend on that little piece of magic that claims reality is what you see and not what it is. No one in their right mind says their nose is moving "away" in a positive/negative direction from their eyes when they walk. No one claims their nose and backside are moving in opposite directions and are out of phase with each other. But you put a probe on the neutral and all that logic goes out the window for the sake of a scope display.