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I hear you, but why is there a difference of potential to the ground rod? Is it because the earth has a different potential than the xfmr or is it because there is an available path back through the earth to the xfmr the current was generated at? (Neutral) I'm having trouble understanding why my boss says the neutral on the pole and the planet earth are the same thing and that if you remove the neutral all together, current will flow to earth because it's another different potential, not because there's a path to get back to the xfmr where it was created. Will current flow to ANY difference of potential or will it only flow back to source? He said the current seeks planet earth if source cannot be found, because it's the next best potential that can be found. Is this right?
I did, and you're right there's no potential between the batteries. I always thought the dissimilar metals naturally had a potential between them inside a battery, but I guess the dielectric inside allows the potential to exist? Man I'm confused now. Thanks for sticking with me on this. I'm a visual learner so maybe I'm struggling because I can't see it in my head.
When you say that I hear "current ONLY flows from source back to SAME source." I definitely added words there but in my mind that's where all of this confusion lies. My boss says no...current can leave one potential (xfmr) and travel to any other potential it chooses (earth) and there's a complete circuit happening.
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First question, getting this is VERY important, but don't let it be too complicated. Voltage requires a reference. I generally say, "How far is San Francisco?" That question can't be answered. It requires one more variable. "From where?" Voltage is the same thing. When you have two items separated by and insulation, they are going to have different charges. So we could just as easily say, "more negative and less negative" as "negative and positive" In reality, and I am sort of surmising, but it has to be true. Any two points have a difference in voltage potential even two points on a conductor. It is just so infinitesimal that we think of it as zero volts. The ground rod in my example could be charged statically, so that touching it causes an instant discharge that dissipates, or it can be because there is a path, however unlikely back to the source.
At this time, the last question. If this is what your boss says, it is time to start ignoring him. He is wrong. I am hoping you are misunderstanding him, but that is what it is. Even the term, "complete circuit" tells you this. What you hear is what it means. Science gets very sketchy when we talk about electrons. Are they particles or waves? They are probably not any more conceivable than infinity is. But for purposes of our pea brains to understand. They are. As such they don't just appear from thin air and disappear in to thin air. The source doesn't produce them from nothing and they don't become nothing, so if you look at it as one electron leaving the source, that electron has to come back to the source from somewhere. THAT is the circuit. One circuit can influence another circuit through magnetism, but that is not current flow. It is more like putting two balloons filled with water side by side. If you squeeze on one, it will force the other to move, but no water is exchanged. Again, electricity is not a marble or a piece of dust, but it is still subject to the laws of physics.
Battery... Not sure what is confusing you. Dissimilar metals that are touching create a reaction that causes current flow. Those that are separated by a dielectric are subject to the same forces as similar metals, as in the charge or voltage between is dependent on what more or less negative things they have been influenced by. The discharge of usable energy from a battery, whether a lead acid one, a capacitor, a potato, is chemistry. I think you are better off sticking with this electrical problem first, and then you can wrap your brain up with chemistry later.
One last thing. As a visual person, go back to water or better yet a hydraulic system every time. A closed loop system, will act the same way as electricity. Sometimes the analogy has to be realized, but it is there. If you dump the fluid on the ground, a person has to pour it or more, back in. that is "completing the circuit". "But it is different fluid." you say? Only until all known fluid is used, then you have to recycle. Hydraulic fluid nor electricity magically appears.