This is is the one you are thinking of.
The images are from another forum
If you see either of them, they can be easily confused with eachother as both can be done with two transformer cans (pole-pigs) depending on the connections and split windings etc. And there are some wierd ones. I say this because I have seen closed deltas with two cans, one large slpit winding for A-C, C-B, and a smaller can for A,N,B set up delta/delta. The local POCO is notorious for putting up whatever they have at the moment.
According to my old Electricians Handbook (which is bible sized

) the open delta is a method of providing power while removing a damaged transformer.... Same book (Most of which is originally written in antiquity it seems) also states that the split winding that provides the 120 legs was for providing a source for 120 lighting. Worded as it were some sort of convenience....
And locally in the more industrial areas I get to see a wide variety of transformer set-ups. Mostly closed deltas, most are high-C phased. (Not sure when the code decided to make it B?) I also have seen a rare few open deltas like the one above, and a handful of corner grounded deltas.
A several years ago I worked in a building with 4 seperate services. (All mounted on the same set of poles out front - I would love to get a pic - but they are all underground now, and the building is gone....) It had a 208 wye, 480 delta, 240 delta, and 120DC complete with rectifiers all mounted on a platform between four poles fed from two different utilities, SF Hetch Hetchy, and PG&E. It was a monster.