Will supply take back bad conduit?

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Solon Mfg, "Solon 1-1/4 EMT Bender", Solon, Ohio.





Link to patent:
cowboyjwc said:
Looks like something you'ld find poking around an old gold mine. :grin:
No gold in the gangbox, but I did notice a Ridgid oil pot spilled upside down in the bottom. Nice. Now I know the gangbox doesn't leak.
Thanks for the responses.

About the operators.
I'm about 225 lbs w/ tool bags on while bending.
Done lots of 1-1/4 EMT. My 170-200 lb weight was never a problem before.
3 others are about 175 lbs, not as much hand-bending experience.

About the methods.
Successful techniques vary from small bounces to smooth pulls from foot pedal, pulling down on offsets (bender upside down) without the foot pedal, and maux nix difference.

Everyone has done goods bends, even without foot pedal, but during the afternoons very few kink-free bends are getting past 45 degrees, unless I resort to segmenting.

About the benders.
Hand benders arrived brand new, in boxes, with this job.
They are identical, with a two-position foot pedal, no obvious defects.
Did not check if hand benders are marked exclusively for 1" Rigid, will do so.
Did not put the pipe seem on one side, will do so.
There are no power assisted benders available on site.
EMT Supplier / vendor was not called on site, will recommend this if nothing else works.

If they keep insisting its operator error, I tell em to make an offer for that owsome 1-1/4 ratcheting bender from Solon Mfg. that Mark just posted.
480sparky said:
BINGO! Now to find one of those critters. Thanks!
I just got off the phone with someone in engineering at Solon. "We don't make those anymore". By the way, they pronounce the company name "Soul-Inn".
mdshunk said:
I just got off the phone with someone in engineering at Solon. "We don't make those anymore". By the way, they pronounce the company name "Soul-Inn".
Those things will eat your fingers if you are not careful when you pick it up
Rewire said:
Those things will eat your fingers if you are not careful when you pick it up
I guess you've used one, then. I've never really got my fingers caught up in it, but then I pick it up by the handle.

I sorta wonder why this concept never really caught hold? The force required on the 1-1/4" bender is so little, they could easily scale this up to 2" and still be man-operable. I can't count the number of times it would have been so handy to have something like this on site to do a couple quick offsets in some 2" on a small job.
mdshunk said:
.... The force required on the 1-1/4" bender is so little, they could easily scale this up to 2" and still be man-operable. I can't count the number of times it would have been so handy to have something like this on site to do a couple quick offsets in some 2" on a small job.

Probably because you're not far away from a Chicago bender at that point, both in weight and price.
480sparky said:
Probably because you're not far away from a Chicago bender at that point, both in weight and price.

That's what I was thinking, why not just invest the money in a Chicago bender.

Only twice have I ever been forced to bend 1 1/4 with a hand bender ( when making los of bends ). On most jobs if you are running any 1 1//4 you are also running some larger conduit so the bender is already there.

The OP mentioned uneven surfaces and this may be a problem. With a Chicago it's doesn't take a very large flat space to set it up.

I'm not sure I would want to try to use a hand bender on for 1 1/4 on gravel or dirt. A smooth concrete surface and use the foot pedal is how I have always done it ( when forced to use one ). :grin:
Ok I do not have a lot of experience pipe bending which prompts the following question: What is a Chicago pipe bender?
Excuse me for my ignorance.
MAK said:
Ok I do not have a lot of experience pipe bending which prompts the following question: What is a Chicago pipe bender?
Excuse me for my ignorance.

You're not the only one here.... remember the old adage, "We're all ignorant... just in different areas."

Chicago Bender
As President, Chief Exectutive Officer and General Secretary of the InterGalactic Organization for the abolishment, elimination and stategic removal of evil 1 1/4" EMT conduit, I salute you for the sucessful removal of that stupid junk from this planet.
Why not just use 1 1/2" conduit? That way, you would have no alternative to use a machine bender. Also you will have more pulling room and a larger radius to make the wire pulling easier.
[note: our organization has already suceeded in getting rid of 1 3/4" EMT so we don't even have to mention it in our title any more.]
peter said:
As President, Chief Exectutive Officer and General Secretary of the InterGalactic Organization for the abolishment, elimination and stategic removal of evil 1 1/4" EMT conduit, I salute you for the sucessful removal of that stupid junk from this planet.
Why not just use 1 1/2" conduit? That way, you would have no alternative to use a machine bender. Also you will have more pulling room and a larger radius to make the wire pulling easier.
[note: our organization has already suceeded in getting rid of 1 3/4" EMT so we don't even have to mention it in our title any more.]

I've installed a lot of 1-1/4 EMT over the years.... mostly in commercial installs. I have yet to install a single inch of 1-1/2. Abolish that instead.

BTW, where do you get 1-3/4" EMT? :cool:
peter said:
As President, Chief Exectutive Officer and General Secretary of the InterGalactic Organization for the abolishment, elimination and stategic removal of evil 1 1/4" EMT conduit, I salute you for the sucessful removal of that stupid junk from this planet.
Why not just use 1 1/2" conduit? That way, you would have no alternative to use a machine bender. Also you will have more pulling room and a larger radius to make the wire pulling easier.
[note: our organization has already suceeded in getting rid of 1 3/4" EMT so we don't even have to mention it in our title any more.]
1 1/4 comes in pretty handy for 100a. as for the hand bender they make good clubs and boat anchors. anything over 1" out comes the smart bender.
satcom said:
I am confused are we talking 1 1/4 EMT or 1 1/4 Rigid ?

And are we talking a hand bender ?

EMT I assumed. I don't think most of use could even put more than a kick in 1-1/4" rigid by hand, even if a hand bender existed.
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