Thanks for the responses.
About the operators.
I'm about 225 lbs w/ tool bags on while bending.
Done lots of 1-1/4 EMT. My 170-200 lb weight was never a problem before.
3 others are about 175 lbs, not as much hand-bending experience.
About the methods.
Successful techniques vary from small bounces to smooth pulls from foot pedal, pulling down on offsets (bender upside down) without the foot pedal, and maux nix difference.
Everyone has done goods bends, even without foot pedal, but during the afternoons very few kink-free bends are getting past 45 degrees, unless I resort to segmenting.
About the benders.
Hand benders arrived brand new, in boxes, with this job.
They are identical, with a two-position foot pedal, no obvious defects.
Did not check if hand benders are marked exclusively for 1" Rigid, will do so.
Did not put the pipe seem on one side, will do so.
There are no power assisted benders available on site.
EMT Supplier / vendor was not called on site, will recommend this if nothing else works.
If they keep insisting its operator error, I tell em to make an offer for that owsome 1-1/4 ratcheting bender from Solon Mfg. that Mark just posted.