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I think you misunderstood the question.

I think he is asking if those figures are the MCA or the MOCP.

Important question because if the units have across the line started motors/compressors, the MCA very well is only 40-60% of MOCP.

It is obvious in the OP that they are circuit breaker sizes, not MCA or MOCP.
Important question because

I would say it is not an important question because the job has an engineer of record and prints which indicate the sizes they chose. I assume the OP or the OPs company bid the project based on those prints.

Now don't get me wrong, sometimes you have to ask for changes, I am doing a small office remodel now and the drawings show me turning 1.5" EMT up into a wall cavity from a under a raised floor but there is no space to do so. The inside radius would be in the visible outside the wall.

So an RFI went out for that.

I did not ask why they wanted the following from the floor box to the TV on the wall and up to the ceiling,

3/4" Power

3/4" Data

3/4" POTs

1.25" - AV

1. 5" - AV

3/4" spare

1.25" spare

1.5" spare

seems overkill to me but that is beyond my job scope.

That is one room, I have two others the same without the 1.5" runs.
I would say it is not an important question because the job has an engineer of record and prints which indicate the sizes they chose. I assume the OP or the OPs company bid the project based on those prints.

Like you seemed to say, too much overthinking here. Provide what you bid, which should be what was in the documents, unless there is an error, then ask. :cool:
It is obvious in the OP that they are circuit breaker sizes, not MCA or MOCP.
MOCP is a circuit breaker size;)

And I highly suspect MOCP is what the figures are but it wasn't really stated in by OP either.

Voltage drop should be based on actual load though, so MCA is a much better value to base VD calculations on then MOCP.
I would add that in my opinion if you intentionally do not provide what is on the print you bid and won job the with it is theft.

It's nice to hear a contractor say that. I get the feeling many EC's call that profit.
FWIW in my experience not many EEs take well to questions about their choice of wire sizes and I have learned to stop asking questions about it. YMMV.
FWIW, I welcome questions like that and I will make the change if it is warranted or if I have overlooked something. We all do from time to time.
Bob only works for a contractor, if boss tells him to veer from the print,

True and not one of my bosses encouraged me to change engineered wire sizes.

he probably does what he is asked with little question as to why.

I do the job I am paid to.

FWIW, I welcome questions like that and I will make the change if it is warranted or if I have overlooked something. We all do from time to time.

Of course. :cool:

I was just relating my experiences and for that reason I choose to limit my RFIs that really effect the job.

What is my motivation to reduce wire sizes anyway, it going to result in needless paper work logging the change, assigning a value, issue a credit etc.
What is my motivation to reduce wire sizes anyway, it going to result in needless paper work logging the change, assigning a value, issue a credit etc.

But by the same token, if you come to me with a reason to increase a wire size, I will thank you for correcting my oversight.
But by the same token, if you come to me with a reason to increase a wire size, I will thank you for correcting my oversight.

And again my experience has taught me your reaction is uncommon.

Is my experience everyone's? Heck no, but it is mine. :)
And again my experience has taught me your reaction is uncommon.

Is my experience everyone's? Heck no, but it is mine. :)

A valuable trait for any engineer to cultivate is the ability to switch sides in a discussion immediately with no ego attachment to either side in the face of hard evidence. When an electrician comes to me and points out something I have overlooked or not taken in consideration in my design (it happens), I thank him and make the change with no hard feelings. I know a lot but I don't know everything.
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