Wiring Methods Article 300.15(F)

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We are only subject to Section 300.15 when installing a "splice point, outlet point, switch point, junction point, termination point, or pull point"

Sub-section (F) is only enforceble, IMO, when one of those points is in question.

Not a transition point.
I agree, NEC 300.15F does not apply in this case. The reason for accessibility is if there was a splice or termination. As one previous poster has already stated, every coupling, connector, myers hub or pipe union is a "fitting".
There is no requirement for that.

If when transitioning from one raceway type to another requires a box or the fitting required in 300.15(F) as mentioned in previous posts is required, then my example of underground steel elbow on a pvc run of raceway that is permitted in other sections is not allowed by the section in discussion here it is a transition of one type of raceway to another and then back again.

Exceptions to 250.80 and 250.86 permit the elbow in question to not be grounded if under 18 inches of cover but 300.15(F) says this fitting at the transition that is permitted instead of a box must be accessable.

That is a contradiction to me, but I find no section that requires the box at a raceway transition, cable transitions to raceway I say yes do require a box or accessable fitting.

We are only subject to Section 300.15 when installing a "splice point, outlet point, switch point, junction point, termination point, or pull point"

That is what I think.

Sub-section (F) is only enforceble, IMO, when one of those points is in question.

Not a transition point.

F is just one item in the list of A thru M where a box or conduit body is not required and it is not real clear as to exactly what it is covering just says where there is no splice or termination within the fitting, and it must be acceptable.

Any coupling or connector could fit in here yet we do not always leave them accessable.

What is F actually about? reading between the lines could mean a transition fitting, but it is not clearly stated.

I agree, NEC 300.15F does not apply in this case. The reason for accessibility is if there was a splice or termination. As one previous poster has already stated, every coupling, connector, myers hub or pipe union is a "fitting".

300.15 (F) allows for a fitting if there is not a splice or termination but also requires accessibility. If there is a splice or termination then it is more obvious you need a box or conduit body and accessibility, we are talking about why a transition of one type of raceway to another with no splice or termination may or may not require accessibility at the transition point.
Kwired, it is obvious the NEC does not agree with you're view here as they have given us permission not to bond that short section of steel raceway.
If when transitioning from one raceway type to another requires a box or the fitting required in 300.15(F) as mentioned in previous posts is required,
It doesn't, IMO.
then my example of underground steel elbow on a pvc run of raceway that is permitted in other sections is not allowed by the section in discussion here it is a transition of one type of raceway to another and then back again.

Exceptions to 250.80 and 250.86 permit the elbow in question to not be grounded if under 18 inches of cover but 300.15(F) says this fitting at the transition that is permitted instead of a box must be accessable.

Sub-section (F) does say that, but that transition isn't subject to 300.15 (A) through (M).

That is a contradiction to me, but I find no section that requires the box at a raceway transition, cable transitions to raceway I say yes do require a box or accessable fitting.
What text of what section?
F is just one item in the list of A thru M where a box or conduit body is not required and it is not real clear as to exactly what it is covering just says where there is no splice or termination within the fitting, and it must be acceptable.
If, and only if, IMO, it is a "conductor splice point, outlet point, switch point, junction point, termination point, or pull point". Transition points are not in the lists.
Any coupling or connector could fit in here yet we do not always leave them accessable.

What is F actually about? reading between the lines could mean a transition fitting, but it is not clearly stated.

300.15 (F) allows for a fitting if there is not a splice or termination but also requires accessibility. If there is a splice or termination then it is more obvious you need a box or conduit body and accessibility, we are talking about why a transition of one type of raceway to another with no splice or termination may or may not require accessibility at the transition point.

I agree that (F) requires accessibility. I just don't think that this transition point is subject to any of Section 300.15.
I agree that (F) requires accessibility. I just don't think that this transition point is subject to any of Section 300.15.

I agree with you, but for those who do think the accessability of the transition is a requirement I brought up one other example where it is normal to make a transition and is also required to be buried, and tried to point out that that would be a conflict in two different sections of code.
The only way I can think of to agree with the graphic in post #10 is to consider it one of the remaining four "points", now that (F) rejects splices and terminations.

So if it is not outlet, switch, or junction, is has to be a pull point.

That can only be allowed in conjunction with 300.18, 2nd sentance.

So if not required installed to facilitate the installation of utilization equipment, then not subject to 300.15, and not required to be accessible.
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