Wooden stud bushings

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The only rope I've ever sleeved was thru return vents and fire caulked

I've sleeved a lot of rope, every time I drop from a ceiling to a furnace / water heater, or run down a block wall in an unfinished basement to a surface mounted box.
While EMT "bushings" may appease some inspector(s), the pieces are technically not EMT unless installed as a complete run.

358.2 Definition.
Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT).
An unthreaded thinwall
raceway of circular cross section designed for the
physical protection and routing of conductors and cables
and for use as an equipment grounding conductor when
installed utilizing appropriate fittings. EMT is generally
made of steel (ferrous) with protective coatings or aluminum

No mention of it being installed at all.
No mention of it being installed at all.
So if I use a galvanized steel water pipe nipple in lieu of a steel RMC nipple as a bushing of interest, does that make it RMC.

Additionally, note the major term used in the definition is raceway, then refer to 300.18(A). So what do you have if this EMT of yours is not installed complete per 300.18(A)? Is it a raceway? ...or is it something else?
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