Hmmm. CMP seems to think that 110.26 applies to meters.
1-103 Log #3273 NEC-P01 Final Action: Reject
Submitter: Leonard F. Devine, Jr., Palm Beach County Plan Review
Recommendation: Add text to read as follows:
110.26 Spaces about Electrical Equipment. Sufficient access and working
space shall be provided and maintained about all electrical equipment,
including metering devices to permit ready and safe operation and
maintenance of such equipment. Enclosures housing electrical apparatus that
are controlled by a lock(s) shall be considered accessible to qualified persons.
Substantiation: It is not unusual to find shrubbery, large and small in front of
meter cans on the exterior of a single family residence, and other buildings
which can pose a hazard to someone wanting to gain access to the meter can
for inspection. Recently, here in Palm Beach County Florida, in the process of
making an inspection of a meter can that was not supposed to be energized, an
electrical inspector received a shock while lying in the shrubbery to open the
meter can. This can be extremely dangerous, especially if the shrubbery is wet,
which is the case in this part of the country.
Panel Meeting Action: Reject
Panel Statement: All electrical equipment requires sufficient access and
working space per 11 0.26. This includes metering devices. This is an
enforcement issue. CMP-1 refers the submitter to the NEC Style Manual,
Section 3.3.4.
Number Eligible to Vote: 12
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 12