Few questions:
1) What is the unterminated small gauge (20-22?) black and red wires for coming from the upper left conduit?
2) In the bottom left of the picture, it appears one of the single cables coming out loops back up to a cut end (black outside, white insulation, copper core). Assuming that is the case, wouldnt that be incredibly dangerous?
3) What is that white oval shaped ring sitting on the neutral bar? Looks like a piece of NM cable.
The blank plate washers are inventive. Doubt they're rated for that use. "
No bushings on the EMT protection the cord for the e-light. Giving a pass on not using one stick of conduit; one, it's not a code violation, and I've done similar things with leftover < full sticks of conduit. Why run to the supply house when you've got a connector and enough conduit on the truck?