Would this be a violation?

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They are to tie the two sources together. The switch is such that either the top closes, both are open, or the bottom closes. Just another way to do an MTS.

If the upper camlock cables are one source.
and the lower camlock cables are coming from another source.
and one of the sets is terminated on the common poles in the middle of the X-fr switch.
and the common middle poles from the top and bottom are factory jumpered together.
and it switches like you say.
I don't want to be there to witness what happens when both sources are available and the switch is thrown.

If the upper camlock cables are one source.
and the lower camlock cables are coming from another source.
and one of the sets is terminated on the common poles in the middle of the X-fr switch.
and the common middle poles from the top and bottom are factory jumpered together.
and it switches like you say.
I don't want to be there to witness what happens when both sources are available and the switch is thrown.

I think he was just clarifying my mentioning of the non taped black conductors that are easier to see on the top side of the lower switch assembly. They apparently somehow tie into the lower side of the upper switch assembly making a "common" point for the "transfer switch" The two switches are mechanically interlocked so they can't both be closed at the same time.
possible violation -- Connectors and terminals for conductors more finely stranded than Class B and Class C stranding as shown in Chapter 9, Table 10, shall be identified for the specific conductor class or classes.
I think he was just clarifying my mentioning of the non taped black conductors that are easier to see on the top side of the lower switch assembly. They apparently somehow tie into the lower side of the upper switch assembly making a "common" point for the "transfer switch" The two switches are mechanically interlocked so they can't both be closed at the same time.

I totally agree, but, isn't one set of the temporary camlock cables brown, orange, and yellow terminated to the center common area somewhere and the other set of brown orange and yellow terminated to the bottom side of the lower contacts ?

if so, how could both sets of temporary cables be from 2 different sources?

If the upper camlock cables are one source.
and the lower camlock cables are coming from another source.
and one of the sets is terminated on the common poles in the middle of the X-fr switch.
and the common middle poles from the top and bottom are factory jumpered together.
and it switches like you say.
I don't want to be there to witness what happens when both sources are available and the switch is thrown.


Nothing happens, one source opens before the other closes.
I totally agree, but, isn't one set of the temporary camlock cables brown, orange, and yellow terminated to the center common area somewhere and the other set of brown orange and yellow terminated to the bottom side of the lower contacts ?

if so, how could both sets of temporary cables be from 2 different sources?


In this case we do have an issue. Yes one source is tapped, but as to why I have no idea. However, I am interested in installations where the camlock cables are just connected to one set of source terminals. But trust me, I am just as curious as you. :)
I totally agree, but, isn't one set of the temporary camlock cables brown, orange, and yellow terminated to the center common area somewhere and the other set of brown orange and yellow terminated to the bottom side of the lower contacts ?

if so, how could both sets of temporary cables be from 2 different sources?

I first suggested that one set must connect to a source and the other set to a load back in post 20. And that there appears to be load connected to the raceways out the back of box also.
If the middle is the common point for the load like most transfer switches are, and all of the temp cables are coming from some exterior source

Then why aren't all (12) temporary phase conductors not terminated to the very bottom lugs of the bottom contactor?

To me if in fact the 2 sets of temp cables are actually coming from 2 different sources and the middle connection is common to the top and bottom contactors, it would be a direct short between the 2 aux sources when you throw the switch to close the lower contacts.

That's why I'd like to know where exactly the upper set of temp cables are terminated.

As it is, I cant se where they terminate at all, but, to me the upper set of temp cables as is, would have to be feeding a load somewhere also.

Would it not?

I first suggested that one set must connect to a source and the other set to a load back in post 20. And that there appears to be load connected to the raceways out the back of box also.

Now we're thinking the same.

The temp cables connected in the middle are not actually feeder cables from a 2ndary source.

and only one set of "Tails" are rolled out to a generator, not both per post #28 , because, it there were 2 sets of "Tails" and 2 different generators then Post #41. :)

To me but its hard to tell, the temporary cables are terminated on the line and load side of the bottom contact.


In this case they are and I am not sure why. But if a gen gets rolled in it will be connected only to the line side.
Honestly I do not know why the load side is tapped. My guess is maybe mobile equipment for a show- but I can only guess.

With that being a transfer switch with no overcurrent protection, The 2 taps may or may not be a violation in itself.

With that being a transfer switch with no overcurrent protection, The 2 taps may or may not be a violation in itself.


I know- but I am not concerned about them. The other buildings I've seen with this setup just have the leads going to the second source.
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