Switch building program

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Senior Member

I put together a little program to build Three and Fourway switches.
I did this because they are discussed a lot and theres no way you can show anyone what you are talking about without drawing a picture and posting it.

All I have done is took the drawing part of it out. You drag the parts to the bottom of the web page and assemble them the way you want. You may print them out on your printer if you like.

I also found a very good web site copying program it will be inserted in your IE toolbar at the top of your screen if you down load it.

Heres the URL to my program.

http://home.comcast.net/~ronaldrc/wsb/Build a Light switch/Build a Light switch.htm

Thanks for your time:Ronald :)
Ron, that's great! It would be cool if each part recreated itself when you drag it into the work area. That way, you could have an unlimited number of each image.

It would be even cooler if the circuit could become interactive and work when you flip switches. But, that's an outstanding springboard for creating pictures.
Thanks for the compliments all

Larry that was my intentions from the starts, but I don't know the Java script for that.
I would be glad to incorporate that into it if I had the code.

I am working on it, but thought this would be better than nothing just to get started.

If anyone knows the script or html for that please let me know.It would save me a lot of time in copying and pasting.

Ron, PJ's daughter is a whiz with scripts, animation, and other stuff. I emailed her to call me. I'll let you know if she has any ideas.

Are you willing to share your coding with us?
That sounds like a winner Larry, I would really appreciate it.

Yes, I would share I don't know much, I google most of what I use.

It usually gives free code examples I use them.

You can save my pages as a " web page complete htm, html" and it will save a short cut and folder with all the images and html code and the like.

After you have save them ,open the IE documents with note pad to see the html and java code. or just go to the top of page when web page is open and left click on view and scroll down to source and click on it.

I'm no whize so it takes me a while to piece this code together.

If you like to do things like this it can get habit forming.And its a lot of work.

Thanks for the support:Ronald

I'm no whize so it takes me a while to piece this code together.

I beg to differ Ronald, after knowing you for a good number of years and seeing many of your works, I would say you are a whiz and I think Bennie would agree if he were here. :)

BTW, good to see you back.

Hello Roger

Been along while since we spoke. You know me, what wiz would put e on the end of whiz.

I still think you're the best moderator on this forum, and always have.

You had to be to put up with me. :D you and a couple of other are the only ones that give me the time of day and I thank you for that.

Thanks:Ronald :)

I don't no this to be the truth but.

Back in my youth I had a old timer to tell me they used that technique to use less wires for the phone system. They communicated with pulsating DC. :)
Larry I found a lot simpler Java code this morning, but still want do what we want it to.

I just got it up a couple minutes ago. I changed the Back ground to white, which one do you think looks best?

Well, if you're talking about the link in the OP, the background is sitll grey, and I cannot drag anything. :confused:

Larry, what browser are you using? I think I remember Firefox having a problem with some of Ronalds programs.

Larry, what browser are you using? I think I remember Firefox having a problem with some of Ronalds programs.
I do use Firefox, but it worked fine the other day.

The dual-diode switching motion graphic is working.

Curiouser and curiouser. :confused:
A couple of questions,where would this application of control be used and what are the 3 series nomally closed contacts?

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